Dear Diary,

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We ran threw the woods neither of us said a word. I will admit I had these questions running threw my head, 'So am I dating Luke or Tyler?', 'Am I dating Tyler?', 'Dose Luke 'like' me?', 'Do I like Luke me?' and 'Dose Tyler even like me?'

I miss the old days, for example at my own thirteenth birthday party, a trip to mall,

"Guys this isn't fun." I wined 

"Jay, just answer the question." Tyler  said frustrated

"What was the question?"

"Who looks  the best?"

"Well honestly you all look hideous."

"I am your identical twin brother! " Matthew yelled

"Do you guys really want to know?"

"YES!!!!!"They screamed in unison.

"I would! Now can we leave?"


  They changed into their own clothes then leaved the store. When we got out I wrapped on arm around Luke's waist and the other around Matthew. They all joined as I started to horribly sang  "We are off to see the wonderful wizard of oz." 

I took a deep breath as Luke stopped and said, "Wait, I think I put a tunnel leading to over here."


"I dug a wrong way so I just put a lid around here some where."

"I  am on top of it."

I looked around then lifted the lid and jumped in.

"Dang, we need to make these bigger. "

"Well, if you would stop growing."

"Shut up."

"We are finally here anyways."

I pushed the door open as I suddenly started to get 'emotional' and cried for no reason. Gage and Luke hugged me awkwardly then Luke asked, "What is wrong?"

"Life sucks!"

"Can you please be more pacific?" Gage asked a little nervous.

"I do not know."

"Do you want to talk to Ms. Sally?"

"What will it take for you guys leave me alone?" Dang, I can not believe I said that.

You could tell by Luke's face that he got hurt by what I told him, but  he nodded anyway. My tears became real as I opened the door to the tunnel as they left the room and left. This day is all to overwhelming so much is going on.

Here is the list.

1. Threw up on my crush.

2. My Father told me that I do not dress modest.

3. My future step-mother told me I never had a mother.

4.Met my future high lighter step-brother.

5. Met Ben Allen.

6.Got a pop makeover.

7. Kissed my best friend on the lips.

8. Now currently crying on the beach.

"I just wish I could just start the day over. " I tell myself

I heard a then heard a voice that said, "Are you sure about that?"

I look up to see a man dressed in a suit with blond hair, blue eyes, and a light skin tone.

"I would do anything."

"Then grab my hand."


"Your wish is my command."

I spun around and appeared in my pj's in my bed. I picked up my phone and Mr. Allen's signature wasn't on my case.

"What is going on?"

The blonde said, "I told you, your wish is my command."

"Who are you?"

"I am your throw-up fairy."

"What is that?"

"I swear nobody tells my story anymore. Basically, if you embarrass yourself with throw-up and it messes up your day I give you a chance without it. "

"Yeah, do you mind if I get change I have to get ready."

"No, also there is a catch."

"What is it?"

"You have to choose someone to get rid of in your life by the end of the day."



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