Dear Dairy,

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Okay, here do you want to know what website just single handily just ruined my life. YouTube. Someone recorded me throwing -up on Tyler and it already has over one hundred views.

"One hundred and one, One hundred and four, One hundred and eight..."

"Okay, I get it. Just tell me the..."


I nodded and embarrassed for the worst. Luke scrolled down and asked me, "Are you ready?"


"Wow, is this how punks show affection?"

"That one was stupid."

"I am not sure if I feel worse for the fat dude or his Vans."

"Okay, I can not take it. I can not  believe I ruined me and my guys life and my own in less then a day."

I bite into a cookie as the doorbell rang. I heard Ms.Sally 's voice I grabbed Luke's hand and ran upstairs. I opened up Luke's door and said, "That she devil will never be my Mother."

"Jay, did you try to give her a chance?"


"Jay, I gave my step father a chance."

"Mr. Noah is awesome."

"And I know that because I gave him a chance."

"She is mean."

"Ms. Sally is nice she just said something that did not come out right."

"FINE! I hate it when you do this."

"Now give me a hug."

I gave him a hug and whispered, "I really hope the rest of high school is not like this."

"Believe me I hope so too. Now lets go down stairs."

I took a deep breath while he accidentally hit me with one of his spikes. "Sorry, Jay." I just walked out  his room and headed to my future step mother. I looked at her and Ms. Taylor and whispered, "I am sorry."

Ms. Sally gave me a look and I was confused, she yelled, "Do you know how worried I was?"

"No, you took about two and a half hours to find the most obvious place I would be."

Luke elbowed me in the gut and whispered to me, "It was rhetorical."


Ms. Taylor clapped her hands and said positively, "Avril and Luke you have play date with  Avril's future step-brother. He is going to met you two in the 'Under 21 club.'"

Luke and I put on a fake smile and said, "We will be on our way then."

       I know that place sounds cool, but that is the place where the poplars, jocks, and prep's hang out. I can barley handle our siblings. That is their territory, our territory is the 'Wawa' gas station across the street and the skate park a half a mile from the school. Which is the skaters, punks, and emos. So if we cross and the middle schoolers take the left side and we take the right.    

     I am so nervous so I when we go in front of the building I text Ms. Sally

What  is your son wearing?

A yellow 'Under armor' t-shirt with yellow and black basket ball shorts.

   "Luke be on the look out for a bumble bee."

"What did she really say?"

I showed him the text and he said, "#$%^ a jock."

"Watch your language."

"My bad." He rolled his eyes as the bumble bee found us. He looked kind of friendly. He had brown buzzed hair, green eyes, and lightly tanned skin.

       He smiled and said, "You must be Luke and Avril."

"Yeah, my Father is marrying your Mother."

"Yup,I am Gage. Hey, its getting kind of hot you want to go in I will buy drink?"

"Actually, Avril and I where wondering if you want to go to the mall and get a disguise. Then go to the 'Wawa' on us."

"You know what. You can give me a whole entire makeover and go to school with it if you do the same?"

"I bet you would chicken out."

"How about we make a  bet the one who chickens out owes the winner twenty dollars."

I charmed in and said, "Fifty."


"Deal, now let me get my girl Kyra."

As he went in I just remembered the video. "Luke!"


"The video people are gonna think I am trying to disguise myself and I am a wimpy."

"Well, that is sorta true."


"You are kind of a wimp."

I took a safety pin off my skirt and said, "Do not make me use this?"

I heard a feminine voice behind me asking me, "How could you hurt some one with a safety pin?"

I turned around and it was the most popular girl in school, Kyra Allen. She then laughed, and barley made out the words, "You are the chick who threw-up on her Bae. "

I rolled my eyes and said, "Bae means poop in Swedish."

She let out a deep breath and said with attitude, "Lets just get this over with." She got out her phone and started texting. Then less then five minutes later a dude who looked like a super model showed-up. She said, "Hey, Ben!"

"What is up Kyra?"

"I was wondering if you could help us with this fashion disaster?"

"Anything for my favorite cousin."

We all got into the car as I recognized this is not worth fifty bucks. As we walked into the mall, we started off by us having to wash of our make-up. Which really sucked.....




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