Dear Dairy,

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Sorry, I had to do HOMEWORK ON FROM THE FIRST DAY!!!! Anyways where was I....Oh, yeah Tyler asking me a strange question, "I was just wondering because I want to ask if you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Can I have a little time to think about it?"

"Sure, take your time. "

"Thanks! "
I was so confused I did not know what to do. I couldn't think straight, then I saw the room 430. I walked in as soon as the bell rang. Everyone was against the wall, so Tyler and I joined them. Mrs. Draguon wrote her name on the smart board. She smiled and then called role then got to my name and said,

"Here, and please just call me Jay."

"Sorry Miss.Jay."

Tyler whispered, "Runway diva coach fashion expect. "

I tried not chuckled as Mrs.Draguon finished up role she said, "PARTNER UP!!!" Of course I grabbed Tyler. "Okay that is your lab partner for the semester." Some groaned. Then we did a bunch of boring stuff for like the rules and exceptions and basically that is what happened for the next four periods while avoiding Tyler in the hallway. You know what I will just skip to lunch.

I quickly ran there to try to get to Matthew. I saw his preppy girlfriend Savannah I knew he couldn't be far. I ran over there and I was right he was beside her. (Man, I am a Genius!)

Anyways, I ran over to them in panic and grabbed his hand and pulled him aside. (Even though he is a pain most of the time he is the only person that I would ever talk to about this stuff. I mean why wouldn't he is basically the other part of me.) "What the heck do you want?!?!"

"I got asked out."

"By who. "

"Tyler Jacobi"


I put my hand over his mouth and tried not to make a bigger scene than it already was. I Shh him and told him,
"I just do not know what to do."

Savannah joined unwanted in the conversation and said, "No offense Jay, but you need a friend that is a girl."

What is upsetting is she was right. I have never had a friend who was a female or a sleep over . (Expect for a incident that happen because of a car crash which ended up me staying at Luke's house. It was PG okay. ) I do not know what it is like to have fashion show, sleep over, make-over, etc. Anyways, Matthew nodded his head in agreement with Savannah. I just need some type of help I do not know what to say. What do I say to him? I do not know how to be a good girlfriend. So I just sucked it up and knew what I had to do. Search it on the internet.

Matthew looked at his watch and said, "TTYL"

I hugged him and all I could think was he is such a prep. I just jump into line and I get tapped on the shoulder. It was Alyssa. The meanest girl in school, she was also one of the most popular. She pushed in frount of me, then I hear Luke's voice behind me saying,

"You can't let her push you around like that."

I turned around and quickly changed the subject, "Tyler Jacobi asked me out."

He laughed then looked at my serious face, "Oh, wait are you serious. "


"Just say yes. You two would make a cute couple, not that I am in to that kind of stuff. "

"You really think so?"

"When have I ever lied to you?"

I gave him that yeah right look.

"Okay whatever just promise me you will say yes Matt."


"I meant Jake. "


"Calm the heck down you are making a scene. "

I took a deep breath, then looked around I was making a scene.
"Sorry, I am just nervous. "

"I understand that you will be a great girlfriend. "

"Thanks. "

"No problem. "

We got our food and sat down, soon enough Tyler joined us. It was an awkward so silence, Luke felt it I could tell because he elbowed me in the gut. So I asked Tyler, "Can I talk you in private?" He nodded and followed me into the hallway. I grabbed his hand and looked up at him in the eyes, (Just so you know I haven't grown since the fifth grade because well I am 5'1 and he is 6'2.) I started to get a funny feeling in my stomach. I smiled then told him, "I would love to be your girl.." then thew-up on him. I looked at him and he said, "You got to be $%&*$%& kidding me!" I ran into the girls restroom and balled up in the big stall. When I was in there thinking about my plan to move to Canada. It isn't too that far from New Jersey. Then I heard a knock I just said, "Occupied."

"Jay, I can only be in here so long until people notice that the girls bathroom door is locked."

"What do you want Luke?"

"Tyler told me. "


"Hey, watch your language! Now at least get out of the stall."


"I will give you till the count of three or I will climb into the stall."

"What if I am naked?"

"One, two..."

"Fine I will get out. "

I got out and he said, "Now that we have that situation controlled let's see the nurse."

"But, I am hungry."

"Do you want me to carry you?"

"Please. "

He picked me up and held me like I was a toddler. He is almost seven feet tall so. Yeah. We got to the office and he set me down on the bed and I laid down. The Nurse looked like he use to be a soldier. He looked at Luke as I drifted off to sleep.



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