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"HE DID WHAT?!?!" Matthew yelled.

"He r-raped me." I say with my anxiety starting and a slight stutter.

"I am going to kill that son of a $$!#!" He yells.

I start crying.

"I am telling Father and we are telling the police." he states with a growl.

"I lost my virginity....." I cry more.

"No you still are a virgin." he tells me patting my back and then hugging me.

"But I bleed..."

"It wasn't your choice though."

"Knock knock." Luke says as he walks in.

" I'm no longer innocent! " I tell him bursting out into more tears throwing my self on my bed.

"What the $!:$! did I miss? "

"Just go... Both of you..."

They both just walk out, I look into the mirror and grab my scissors. I cut my long black and red hair my hair it ended up being supper choppy. I then shaved the side of my hair in the climax of my mental breakdown. I ended up accidentally cutting the side of my face. The blood dripped on a picture of Matthew, Luke and I when we were 5. I do not know what is going through my mind, it feels like chaos and confusing. I look into the mirror and punch it, the glass breaks and my hand is cut open. My cry stops even though my tears keep rolling down my face.

My Father walks in and looks at me in shock then he sees my hand and nods. He picks me up and takes me to the car.

I softly cry as he just whispers, "I know."

As we get to the hospital the blood keeps pouring out my hand staining my clothes. A doctor sees me and takes me to the back. He gives me some numbing medication which made me drowsy. The doctor sewed up my hand while I fell asleep.

When I wake up a man and a woman in business suits with my Father and Matthew.

"Hello Jake, I am agent Olivia Benson and this is my partner Spencer Reed we are with the Special Victims Unit. Can you please tell us what happened with Tyler and do you want to press charges?"

I feel everyone's stares at me. I nod.

"Okay, can you tell us and take this kit with Olivia?" Spencer asked me.

"Yes I can." I say softly.

I would rather not repeat the story and a rape kit is something I never want to do again. They said that they are going to arrest Tyler and he is going to be at court, but he will for sure be in Juvenal detention and possibly  jail.... Even though that is happening, I still feel like that is not enough... He stole my innocence. Something I can never get back. I am still depressed. 



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