Dear Diary,

11 2 0

I' m going to pick-up were we left off I gave my 'boyfriend' a box and now he is opening it. I take a deep breath and just think to my self who am I ? As he finds a weird looking rock, his eyes widen like a child on Christmas morning. He said, "I am taking you out to dinner tonight." I smile as I finally take out my schedule and we come to a stop. 

"Get off brats!" We approach a small school, I get off the bus as a bunch of screaming people start to chase me. I run into the school into a restroom. The fairy dude appeared, "I bet you are wondering why you being chased by a ton of screaming fans."

"Kind of."

"You are a famous You-tuber."

"Then why dose my Father live in section eight housing."

"Because when he gave up custody of you..."

"Yeah, go on."

"Oh yeah, you got mad so you stopped talking to him."

"How long ago was that ?"

"Here just look into that mirror."

"Daddy, why am I here?"

"Grandma will take care of you."

"Why aren't you?"

"Baby, it is the best."

"If you do not answer I will never talk to you again."

"I will you  let you know when I come back to get you ."

He kissed me on the head, then left.

"I was ten, correct?"

"No, nine. Now you better head off to class."

"Alright."I said while I turned on my heel.

I looked at my schedule while I walked out the bathroom, "Dr. Williams room #34." I whisper. I girl ran up to me with long brown curled hair, a white headband, laced shirt, and a white skirt. "Hey, Jack!"


My watch vibrated, I lifted my wrist and it said, 'That is your best friend Carly'. That would've been nice with Logan and The Zach.

 "So, did Logan like the uncleared diamond or whatever?"

"Yeah, I got chased too."

"I did too! 'Weird and retarded' seems to be getting a ton of subscribes."

We walked into the classroom were I chose computer #13 and Carly  sat at #14. Logan walked in and he sat at computer #12.

Carly said, "I wish I had a guy." As she stared at the boy that walked, he had brown hair, button up shirt, with jeans. My watch vibrated again and it said, 'He just got out a breakup.'

"Go ask him out." I say laid back with confidence.

"He has a girlfriend." Logan said confused.

"No, he dose not and to prove it, I am going to get Carly a boyfriend." I say confidently.

I get up and grabbed Carly's hand, "Boy, I want you to join my boyfriend and I for a double date tonight. "

"With whom shall be my date?"

"This beautiful girl."

"Okay, here is my number."

I took the paper he just wrote on and sat back in my seat.

"And that is how it is done."

"I can not believe you got me a date with Bobby."

"Because I am that awesome."

The teacher walked in, she looked really not young. (I do not like to call people old.)  Dr. Williams wrote he name in cursive on the Smart Board and turned around. She had a top hat on her desk, she smiled and said, "Form a single file line and each person will chose a number." We all do what she says, but it was so silent you could hear pin drop. I get to the hat and get the number #13. I smile and sit down as the teacher stares at me. She walks over to me and says, "You can come and sit at the table with me."



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