Dear Diary,

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We were Tyler's house, I looked to see his grandmother in his arms as his Father was cursing at him. I ran as Mr. Santo tried to stop me, I bust out the doors. His Father pointed the gun at me.

I said calmly while I heard the bus leave in the background, "Mr. Jacobi drop the gun. "

He shot me in the leg as I saw his silver bracelet's dangle from his wrist as I drop to the ground.

"God Father, just go to Hell!" Tyler screamed on the top as lungs.

I feel the blood coming out my leg as I hear another gun shot and police siren. I feel Tyler's hands trying to stop the blood. I started to ball like a baby, why did I think I could change the mind of the 'Drug Lord'. I am so dumb. Tyler started to cry with me as the medics started to take over, Tyler grabbed my hand. The medics started to do a bunch of stuff.

I cried as tried to fight the pain. I lift my head up to see a lot of blood, the medic told me, "Relax.". Dang, why am I so stupid? My leg is in so much pain I can not handle it. I feel like I am about to die.

We come to a stop as the doors open, they pull me down. When I come down I hear a bunch of voice, so I close my eyes trying to block everything out. More tears run down my face as I hear baby cries, yelling of pain, and fast paces of nurses and doctors. I clench my hands into a fist as I feel my bed moving faster. I got told relax, I then feel a shot in my arm. A few minutes later I felt drowsy.


I woke up, with Tyler by my bedside holding my hand gently. He looked at me whispering, thank you over and over again. I stopped him and asked, "For what?"

"For trying to stop my psycho father."

"But I failed... I don't know why I thought I could make a difference."

"You did make a difference. "

"Not true."

"Yes it is, except it!"

"Why are you even here?"

"Because I f****** love you!"


"Because you are beautiful, courageous, and sexy."

"I am in a hospital gown and you think it's sexy?"

"The reason why yes."

"You're insane."

"I know."

Luke walks in with Matthew while knocking on the door.

Matthew goes off on me, "What the heck were you thinking? He could of shot you in the head or heart! Then you would be dead! Father is going to have a heart attack! I can't believe you!!! "

Luke said, "CHILL!"

I kinda just laid there. I can't really do anything else. I am most likely going to be in a wheelchair unless I have another amazing act from above. Matthew, Luke, and Tyler kept arguing while I keep to myself. I hate everything.



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