Chapter 7

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Talia and Elise were both filled with nervous excitement as they went to Home Depot with the company truck. Once there they picked up four large bathroom mirrors, adhesive, and mounting brackets before heading home. Were they wasting their time? They might be. But if the ghosts were real, then this might be an amazing experience.

"The good thing is, even if there aren't really ghosts, then I get to check you out from every angle while we're in bed!" Elise bounced happily in her seat as she thought about it. The thought of watching Talia's ass while the dark haired girl's face was planted between her thighs was already going to be a bonus.

"And if there are ghosts?" Talia asked as they drove home. "Do we just let them watch, or would you be okay with them touching?"

"I remember the sparks, they definitely made me tingle. Maybe start slow? They seemed nice if they only touched us to rescue us," Elise pointed out. "But I guess we don't know much about them, right? We're just guessing at this point. Honestly, how would we even communicate? This might be a mistake! I have no idea what to think any more! God, now I feel like a perv!"

"You're right. But maybe if we set up the mirrors, we can see them and somehow ask questions? Even if it is just yes and no, we could try to talk somehow," Talia suggested. "And trust me, I'm thinking the same things!"

"Are you upset I suggested this? Do you think it is cheating?" Elise wondered.

Talia shook her head. "I don't think so. This is a completely irrational situation that I don't think we could have ever planned for. Besides, we're doing it together, and we're talking it through. If you want to call it something, say we're having a strange little swinger orgy."

"Okay, good. I didn't want you to think I was trying to break up or anything." Elise started helping carry the mirrors and mounting equipment into the house, and before long Talia was at work on getting them installed. It wasn't difficult. The mounting brackets kept everything in place while the adhesive dried, and just before dinner, their bedroom had turned into a mirrored sex den.

"When we have kids, we have to take these down!" Talia chuckled at the thoughts of trying to explain to their future kids about them trying to have a sex party with a pair of ghosts.

Elise put her hand over her mouth with a gasp. "Shit! We better not let our parents in here too!"

"Baby, they've all heard us having sex so many times that they'd expect it at this point. If anything, they'd wonder why there isn't a trapeze in here."

"Okay, okay. Good point. This is still so weird. Go take a shower after doing all that work, and I'll get some dinner warmed up." Elise headed into the kitchen to dish up some of the yummy leftovers from the party the previous night.

Talia jumped into the shower, quickly shampooing her hair before using the body wash on the loofah and scrubbing herself nice and clean. She wanted Elise to be able to enjoy her flavor anywhere she decided to lick. When she was done, and toweling off, she wiped the condensation off the mirror, and was only mildly surprised to see two translucent women standing behind her.

"Paige, right? And Amy?" She met each of their eyes as she mentioned their names, and they both nodded. "You're real. I can't believe it. Thank you so much for waking us up last night!"

Both girls nodded, touching her gently on each shoulder, and she felt the little jolts moving through her.

"You heard our discussion earlier, right? You know what we're going to offer?"

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