Chapter 14

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There were a lot of things that Paige and Amy missed now that they were ghosts. Since they didn't sleep, there was no more waking up in the arms of the other. There was no snuggling and cuddling, no making love, and no talking, and not even dancing.

The last time they'd danced was the night they died. They had danced slowly in the kitchen to nothing but the beating of the hearts that they no longer heard. But that had changed now. Amy and Paige were constantly playing music while they were working, reading, cooking, or making love, and the girls loved it.

And now, they had access to their phones! They had no cell phone plans, but Elise put them on the Wi-Fi so had access to e-mail and their downloaded music, apps, and photos, so they could still do things. Their bodily forms may not have been solid, but evidently their older iPhones thought that they were good enough to type and touch with, and they could now play their own music to dance to.

Which they were now doing while Talia and Elise were at work. Amy had opened one of her playlists and was happily enjoying songs they'd listened to many times in the past. No longer were their days boring while waiting on them to return. Now they could and did type notes to each other, saying all the things that they're missed out on for all those years. They could also surf the web and see what happened over the last five years. If they wanted to, they could even message their family and send a friendly 'boo!'. But they didn't, it would have been pointless. But they may have stalked their Instagram accounts, which were strangely inactive. Maybe karma had come for their families.

Today would be another scary day, with the girls bringing over a psychic medium, though that seemed like a waste of their time. They'd all agree that this time there was no need to tell her that there were actual ghosts here before she arrived. They would let her do whatever she would do and feel her out about bringing ghosts closer to the living and see how it went. If she were faking it, they'd know.

It was obvious that, as much as Talia and Elise loved their living arrangements, that they both wanted more for Amy and Paige. What that meant was anybody's guess though, as it seemed that there was only so much they could do for a ghost. If they could come up with something, they'd be happy, but right now the only thing worrying Amy and Paige was the future.

What would happen if Talia and Elise wanted to move? Who would then move into the house? What if they died, and they never saw them again? Would they become ghosts too? What would happen if the house burned? Were they doomed to this existence forever? There were just too many unknowns, and for all that the present was much better than the last five years, they had a very uncertain future.

But for now, they would dance. They would try to live in the moment for as long as they were able to.

Elise was always the first one home from work, and usually had a little time to spend with Amy and Paige before Talia got home. But today was a little different, as they both arrived together with armfuls of groceries to stock up the refrigerator and pantry. Talia also had a second box that she placed by the back door. Their laughter and banter quickly made both girls smile even wider than they already were, as Elise bustled about the kitchen preparing dinner once the groceries were put away.

"Baby, I'm going to get the security system set up. How much time do I have?" Talia asked Elise.

"You have about an hour abeille, unless you're really hungry!" Elise replied as she started getting her ingredients out.

"Nope, that is perfect!" Talia brought the box out to the back porch, and Paige and Amy could hear her humming while she worked.

Elise heard the music from the bedroom and went to see what music they were playing. When she saw the girls following her into the bedroom, she waved happily at them. "Hey, can I take the floor mirror into the kitchen while I cook?"

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