Chapter 20

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Elise regretting driving into the Braintree subway station, they should have just taken an Uber. She was fidgeting in the front seat and tapping the steering wheel and just itching to get back home. But they had to drop off Mira and Hana first, and that would delay them a little in their return. Talia reached across the center console, placing her hand on the French woman's thigh, and squeezing lightly.

"It will be fine preciosa, we will be there soon enough!" she promised, earning a nod from Elise.

"I know. I just want this to be over and done with now. I'm freaking out a little bit and I can't tell if it's excitement or fear or both," Elise admitted.

"Do you guys just want to go straight to your house? We want to be there for the attempt anyway, so we can get a ride later," Mira suggested. "No offense, but if you're risking your lives we want to be there to help if we can."

"Yes!" yelped Elise, who canceled the turn signal that would have taken them to Mira's house. "Thanks! Oh, and Talia, please call Veronica, she wanted to watch too."

"Might as well make it a party!" agreed Talia.

A few speed limits may have been broken as they drove their way back to Hull, grumbling at every red light and cheering under their breath at the green ones before they made it back to the little house. As they got out, they couldn't help but notice the commotion next door, where Phil was stuffing several suitcases worth of his belongings into a cab while Lisa glared at him from the porch.

"Thanks a lot, you bitches! I can't believe you put my picture on that poster!" he yelled at the girls as they started to walk into the house.

"Hey! You knew who it was?" Talia grinned happily. "You should call the police tip line! You might get a reward!"

"Shut up!" He took a few steps towards them but both Talia and Mira took steps right back towards him and he rapidly reconsidered. Instead, he loaded in the last of his luggage, slammed the trunk of the taxi and got in the back seat. Moments later, Phil had disappeared from view for the last time.

"Hey girls, I'm so sorry!" Lisa called out. "You didn't deserve that!"

"It's not a problem Lisa. You going to be okay on your own?" Talia asked her.

"Nah, I'm selling this place. I'm going to head home, my mom could use the help and I have an ex I've been meaning to look up too," Lisa admitted. "I really miss her, and I've been inspired by you I guess."

"Way to go Lisa!" Elise cheered.

Mira glanced at Hana, who happily nodded. "Hey Lisa, we might be interested in buying if you want to save a realtor's commission fee."

Lisa's eyes perked up at that. "Sure!"

"You guys get set up, I'll give Lisa our info and maybe you'll have some cool new neighbors soon!" Mira told the others.

Feeling like that was a good omen, Elise and Talia hurried into the master bedroom, eager to see Amy and Paige who had been waiting anxiously all day for them in hopes of good news. At the sight of the girls, their hopes were raised even higher, as they looked happy with the results of their trip.

"Okay! Who wants to have a body?" Elise asked them eagerly.

Amy and Paige jumped around the room happily, excited about the prospect of making this work, and ready to get down to it. As they did, Elise and Talia started getting everything ready. The crystals were set out, and the incense sticks placed in the holders with candles lit and stations nearby to light them. Elise pulled out the paper that explained the steps and made sure that they had everything that they needed. The room was already smelling great, and they hadn't even lit the incense yet.

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