Chapter 11

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Talia almost choked on her own tongue. "Obviously, that was a joke!"

"Uh huh. It sure sounded like one. How about you show us your kitchen back at your house. Just to make sure we really like it," Mira said with a grin. "If it looks as good as it does in the pictures, I might have to help my parents do their master bath too. And if there happens to be a ghost or two you want to introduce us to while we're there, then we won't mind."

"Are you trying to bribe me?" Talia asked incredulously.

"If that is what it takes, yes!" Mira begged. "Come on. Hana and I have been all around the world in the last year, but this might be cooler than anything we've seen! And you can trust us! We won't say anything!"

"Pretty please?" Hana chimed in with her hands clasped in front of her. Damn, that was a cute voice. How did Mira ever say no to her?

Talia shifted her gaze between the two girls. Mira was grinning as though she'd just won a poker hand, and Hana was bouncing a little in excitement and throwing little puppy eyes her way. Fuck, she could never resist puppy eye. "Okay, but this can't go anywhere, okay? I'm serious, we don't want this to be some sort of a zoo where people come check out our friends. They're amazing women who had a shitty accident and we're trying to give them the best existence we can."

"And orgasms!" Hana piped up.

Talia snorted and started laughing. "Okay, yeah, and orgasms. Now give me a few minutes to finish these measurements and we can go."

When the kitchen was mapped out and the dimensions all noted, Talia loaded up the truck and bid goodbye to TJ and Danny before borrowing their daughter and her fiancé for the evening. Mira had told her parents that she wanted to see the cabinets in person, so they were more than happy with that explanation. After placing a pizza order online, she texted Elise to let her know that they were having company for dinner and that they knew about the ghosts. As expected, she got a reply in the phone call before she had even backed out of the driveway.

"Before you say anything, I'm sorry!" Talia answered. "It wasn't my fault. Well not exactly."

She could hear Elise sputtering on the other end of the line and could imagine her pacing around the house. "How did it happen?"

"I was on the phone with you, and the client's daughter and fiancé overheard me. If it helps, they seem really cool and willing to help, but I don't know how they can," Talia tried to explain. "Think you can talk to Amy and Paige? It would be better if we didn't spring this on them."

"Oh, I plan to as soon as I'm off the phone. I don't even want to take the new people into the bedroom until Paige and Amy can get used to them!" Elise exclaimed.

"Yeah, and we don't want to show off the mirrored sex room!"

Elise snorted in laughter as she leaned against the kitchen island. "You can just call it our bedroom! Though it is pretty amazing in there."

"Well, you have about 20 minutes to prepare Amy and Paige before I'm there with a bunch of pizza and two more very attractive women that will probably make us all blush in there if we show it to them, so this won't be embarrassing at all." Talia had completely forgotten about the fact that they'd be showing them the bedroom, and odds are they'd be as red as the pizza sauce for the rest of the evening. With a sigh, she disconnected the call and went to pick up the pizza before heading back home.

Back at the house, Elise went into the bedroom and lay back on the bed with her arms out wide. Seeing the invitation, Amy and Paige lay down on either side of her, trying to keep their sparks under control. It was comforting now to feel the weight of them, slight though it was, but Elise knew it was still not enough.

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