Chapter 16

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Shockingly, nobody had any reservations about taking up Amy's offer. Elise, in particular, was grinning wildly as she had set aside the strap on for the next time they were going to play, and she couldn't wait to try it out on Talia. She knew Talia wanted to use it on her too, but tonight she was going to take her little abeille and make her fly.

But the first thing that went flying was their clothes. Talia had pounced on Elise, no doubt not knowing what the Frenchwoman had planned, and was quick to capture her lips with her own in a heated kiss. Amy and Paige had to restrain themselves, knowing that any action on their end would lead to a rapid climax, literally, so they just lightly ran their fingers up and down the legs of the girls to increase their pleasure without pushing too fast.

As Talia slowly peeled the clothing off Elise's body, she soon had her mouth making a trail of kisses along her jawline before nipping at her ear, earning breathy moans from her willowy lover. Even her whimpers sounded sexy. Somehow, she even moaned with a French accent. When Talia made a move to go lower, nipping lightly at her collarbone and getting fresh whimpers of pleasure, she was ecstatic.

But when she reached the top of Elise's left breast, headed for her hardening nipple, she was stopped short.

"Ahem!" Elise pushed Talia upwards until she was looking for her in the eye. "Ms. Martin, I don't believe I gave you permission to go first. You're breaking the rules, and do you know what happens to girls who break the rules?"

Paige and Amy stopped moving, intrigued by this development. They had heard both girls discussing spanking before, but they'd never seen it before. Nor had they seen this side of Elise! Now they had to let things play out before they started helping out again.

Talia was taken aback for a moment, as she had been in the zone and was almost drooling in anticipation of having Elise's nipple growing harder in her mouth. But she would never turn down Elise in this mood. "I'm sorry Ms. Mesny. I didn't mean to be bad."

"And yet you were!" Elise snapped. "Strip! Hands and knees, now!"

Back in high school, Talia and Elise were a year and a half into their relationship, and things were going strong between them. They'd had a few little issues with other students in their junior year, but both of them were popular seniors and knew it would go even better. For the most part, it had. If it weren't for a student that had moved from Arizona named Colin Davies, things would have been perfect.

But Colin seemed to think that Elise was the most gorgeous woman to walk the halls in school, which was the only thing that he and Talia agreed on, and that she should be his. He made little effort to hide his desire, and Elise literally got a little button that said "NO" on it that she put on her shirt that she pointed to every time he got close.

He seemed to think that was cute.

But when he got handsy at a party, Talia stretched him out on the floor with a punch to the nose and a kick to the crotch that seemed to settle the answer a little bit better. Or it did until after they all returned from the Christmas break.

Maybe it was the new Jaguar he got as a gift from his exceedingly wealthy parents, or perhaps he thought that Talia and Elise walking together and holding hands somehow meant they broke up, which made zero sense. Yes, he might have been that stupid. But regardless, he decided that the first day back would be the perfect time to lift up Elise's skirt and spank her.

This did not go well for several reasons.

For the first part, he didn't realize that Mrs. Winters, the physics teacher, was walking behind him in the hallway so she saw the whole episode. For the second reason, Talia had just turned her head to kiss Elise's cheek when he started his actions, and her fist met his face at about the same time that his hand hit Elise's butt cheek. And then, when he bounced off the floor, she was on him before he could even groan. She got in four more good hits, bending his nose enough to keep his plastic surgeon in business for a while and adding two knees to the crotch before Mrs. Winters could pull her off of the crying boy.

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