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Three years later

The 4th of July block party was in full swing, and everyone was having a great time enjoying the food and the music. Alexa was across the street cooking up her elote while Frida was now in charge of the churros. Tom and Vince had their burgers going while the girls had their cupcakes once more, though there were 150 of them this time, all with red, white, and blue frosting. Best of all, next door, Hana and Mira were cooking up a mix of pan fried and steamed dumplings, and everyone was almost salivating at the scent.

It was a good place to be on a warm summer's night.

The sound of crying brought Elise's attention to the dual stroller near Mira, a little further away from their cooking station, which contained Hana and Mira's kids. Yep, kids. They had gone to an IVF clinic and found a great donor that had provided enough of a sample to fertilize multiple eggs so that with an egg from each of them their kids would still be biologically related. Hana carried Mira's egg, and of course Mira carried Hana's, and they even managed to have their babies within a week of each other. Now they had their son Miles and their daughter Harper, and they were the sweetest little babies ever. It hadn't been easy with them both being pregnant at the same time, but they had a lot of help from their parents as well as the girls next door who were always bringing them meals, doing laundry and cleaning for them.

Their adorable babies had given all the girls the push to expand their own little family, but they had a slightly different plan. Since Amy and Paige had never had a chance to have their own children, they decided to bet everything on a long shot. Both Amy and Paige had brothers that they were closer to than the rest of the family that had abandoned them. It took a lot of begging, explaining that they were the girls' best friends, and obviously being able to tell them everything they could have possibly wanted to know when questioned about their lives to prove it. They just wanted to have the babies in their memories. Both men had finally agreed and then worked with a local clinic to give their samples, and the girls had signed documents saying that they were not liable in any way for the children, just like any other donor.

None of what they said was a lie, they were indeed the girls' best friends, and lovers and wives. But that wasn't something that could be explained, so they just omitted the details about becoming their friends after they had already died to themselves. Thus, it was that Paige and Talia carried Elise's egg fertilized by Amy's brother, and Elise and Amy carried Talia's egg fertilized by Paige's brother. That was about as good as they could do to keep everyone involved in the creation of the precious cargo that was even now growing within them.

Were wives just mentioned? Of course! The old engagement rings that the Smithson brothers had given Paige and Amy were dug out of their hiding spot in the box of feminine products and both Elise and Talia were shocked by the size of the stones. Evidently the families were sure that such large diamonds would be impossible to refuse by the girls, but they sure had no clue how in love Amy and Paige were. Not to mention, the Smithson boys were assholes, so it wouldn't have mattered if the stones were bigger than their fists.

None of the girls wanted anything to do with wearing the rings, but they were perfect for trading in towards new rings and matching bands. Each pair of girls went off on their own with the original rings, and were very secretive about what they'd bought for the other pair, but they met on the beach after sunset and each proposed under the moonlight. They didn't need much of a wedding, and just wanted to be together forever. So, they were married in almost the exact same spot that they had proposed, and just walked up the street to have a block party for a reception, though this one was catered. There was nowhere they would rather have been for their wedding and reception than near the house that had given them the rest of their family, their literal other halves.

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