Chapter 18

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"That fucker!" Talia growled that Saturday morning as she looked at the footage from the security camera from the previous night. They knew something had been picked up because the floodlights had turned on while they were laying together in a sweaty mess in bed after another night of making love with Amy and Paige. Nothing happened after the lights had turned on, so Elise and Talia had assumed that the lights had scared off whoever was back there, though they both had their suspicions. The camera footage confirmed that they were right.

When she selected the system, Talia had purchased a very high end one with a high definition low light camera. She'd got a good deal on it because her dad had already purchased several similar ones for other clients, so they had a corporate discount, and she was glad she got it. She'd installed a delay so the camera would delay for a minute before the lights clicked on, and the footage showed Phil climbing over their fence, naked but for shoes and socks, and then touching himself as he approached the back patio before the lights turned on. Damn was that fucker hairy!

After that, it was pure comedy gold. He stood stock still for about two seconds while bathed in the floodlights, and then turned and bolted for the fence. His first attempt caused him to get halfway up and then fall on his ass onto the ground, while the second attempt was far worse. He made it to the top of the fence that time and then his shoe slipped, causing him to fall atop the fence with his groin before tipping over to the other side. Talia really hoped that he got some nice splinters down there.

With a few clicks of the mouse, the video file was saved, and then uploaded to the local police crime reporting tip site. Feeling a little malicious, Talia took a still photo of Phil when the lights had turned on, blurred out his tiny member, and then printed a couple dozen copies of them in a wanted poster manner, asking people with tips to call the police if they had information. With a little hop in her step, Talia went outside and stapled all but a few of them to the light posts up and down the street.

The little shit hadn't even lasted a week with her last warning, let's see how he responded to this one. She was walking back home when she saw several of the neighbors looking at the posters and laughing, obviously knowing who it was. The best part of her little trip was seeing Phil's wife Lisa carrying one of the posters that had been ripped off a pole into her house and hearing the resultant screaming. That was the least that he deserved, and it made her smile wide.

It was a good day so far, and Elise wasn't even up yet. Talia didn't feel guilty though, she never got tired of pleasing her girl, even if it wore her out. She'd always let her sleep late the following morning, and then they could enjoy the day. And today was a big one, because they had plans to head into the Chinatown section of Boston that afternoon!

When she got back inside, she checked on Elise, and while she wasn't awake, she was beginning to stir. She quickly got the coffee going, and then made a batch of scrambled cheesy eggs and toast to give her preciosa some energy for the day, then made up a pair of plates before placing everything on a tray and bringing it into the bedroom. She had great timing, as Elise was sitting up and stretching against the headboard and giving Talia a wonderful reminder of just why they loved to sleep naked. Those breasts were glorious!

Even better, Amy and Paige slept naked too, which is why they were naked ghosts, so it wouldn't be a weird adjustment if their plan worked! But it had to, right? The universe wouldn't let Paige and Amy not have another shot at a life that had been cruelly taken away from them!

"So where did you go this morning?" Elise asked after chewing a bite of her eggs.

"I'll show you!" Talia moved her plate and then bounded into the living room to get the last of the printouts before returning to show it to Elise. "We had a visitor last night."

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