Chapter 1

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"It's true! If you want,you really don't have to feel pain anymore!"- Sayaka Miki, Madoka Magica episode 8

Narrator: Olwen

Chapter 1

"Ok, who ordered the greek salad?" I asked.

"I did," Man-Bull responded.

"I thought you only ate meat," I smiled.

"Going on a diet," he responded.

"I hope it works," I smiled.

This was a normal day for me at The Bar With No Name. I loved my waitress job and chatting with customers. I was interrupted by the sound of motorcycles. I knew who was coming for dinner.

"Hey Pops, prepare your finest to-go bags," Johnny 13 yelled.

"What he said," his friend Bakuto sighed.

These two were the bane of my existence.

"Hey prude, get this ready," Johnny said, shoving a list into my hands.

"Treat me nicely or I could ban you," I hissed.

"Really, I doubt a slut like you has that authority," Bakuto sneered.

"That's it, I'm banning you two, out!" I screeched.

They'd been doing this for a couple of months and I was sick of it. The other criminals weren't gentlemen but they didn't hold a grudge against me. As I forced them out, I smiled. What's the worst they could do...

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