Chapter 25

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Narrator: Minmay Lynn/Ember

Chapter 25

I wandered through the mini-mart wearing a hoodie to obscure myself. My dad claimed that I wasn't grounded for school today. However, he had worked out a deal with Principal Seteth. He claimed I'd hear about it when I was done.

I was about to check out when I heard it through the speakers in the store. Remember was playing, one of my old eighties hits. a fat guy and a girl with scarlet hair started conversing in the corner about me.

"Ugh, is that Ember music?" the fat guy said.

"I know right, she's so problematic," the woman responded.

"I heard she was recently found alive in some school, Ember should've stayed buried," she added.

I had bought my snack, and the two noticed me then and there.

"I see you're interested in our conversation," the man said.

"I guess?" I said.

"What do you think about Ember McLain?" he asked me.

"I like her music," I shrugged.

"Seriously, you're endorsing a problematic celebrity!" the portly man hissed.

"Wait a minute," the woman said before yanking my hood down.

"You're her," the fat man said.

"No, I'm not," I responded.

"Don't bother trying to deflect, we know the truth," the woman said.

I ran out of the store crying. I didn't want to go home yet though. Without thinking, I headed into a bar called Dooley's. I needed to drown my sorrows in something...

Flayn and Mercedes: Let sleeping dogs lie (Flayn and Mercedes #3)Where stories live. Discover now