Chapter 20

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An alternate dimension

Narrator: Itsumi Inui/Olwen

Chapter 20

As I walked home, I heard a scream. By now it was nightfall and I was worried that I would be attacked. However, I recognized the scream, It was Sho's! I quickly ran to his apartment and turned the keys in the lock. That's when I saw Sho dead on the floor and Reinhardt bleeding with a knife.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"That pig talked about doing horrible things to you, I wouldn't let him!" Reinhardt responded.

"We can talk more at the hospital, we have to get you there," I told him.

"I can't move," he groaned.

"I'll run there, get you help," I said.

Before Reinhardt could respond, I bolted out the door. I needed to find him help...

Flayn and Mercedes: Let sleeping dogs lie (Flayn and Mercedes #3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz