Chapter 22

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An alternate dimension

Narrator: Itsumi Inui/Olwen

Chapter 22

I had almost made it to the hospital when I felt a pain in my side. I took a quick look at my soul gem. It had almost gone black.

"You thought you could get away with doublecrossing me," a familiar voice said stonefaced.

Kyubey jumped out of a nearby bush. That's when I noticed something odd about my hand. It seemed to be transforming into a paw. It reminded me of the witches due to the bluish hue.

"What's happening to me?" I asked him.

"You've reached the end of your magical girl life cycle," Kyubey responded.

"I'm becoming a witch!" I snarled upon realizing the truth.

"It's quite interesting that you'll be a stronger witch than a magical girl," he chuckled.

"Please stop this," I begged as the final parts of my transformation set in.

"Goodbye Inui, hello Uhrmann," Kyubey giggled.

After that, it felt like I was trapped in an endless void of despair. An endless nightmare I couldn't escape. That was until he woke me up...

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