Chapter 5

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Narrator: Flayn

Chapter 5

When I entered Julian's house, we were the only ones there. Despite my conversation with Mercedes, I was really scared of Dorothea. Her eyes seemed soulless like the light was beaten out of her.

"I can't wait to show you all my research!" Julian smiled.

We entered Julian's room and he pulled out his laptop. He began explaining the rumors about Carnage and Technus possibly being in the city. Both commandments were definitely powerful according to Julian.

"Can I pull Flayn aside for a moment?" Dorothea asked.

" Only if you share one of your secrets with me after," he responded.

"Very well," Dorothea said.

When we were far enough away, she finally started speaking.

"I'm going to tell you the truth about Julian," Dorethea grinned.

"What is it?" I grumbled.

"Julian is very dangerous, he once attacked Priscilla and-" she rambled.

"Why should I believe a word out of your mouth?" I smirked.

"You belong to Hilda, she owns you because of the blackmail," Dorothea responded.

"At least I'm not Claude's dancing monkey" I giggled.

Dorothea then tried to hit me. I quickly turned into my commandment slime form to avoid her.

"Julian, come here!" she yelled.

Julian quickly ran over before I changed back. He looked disgusted with me. The truth had been revealed

"Surprise?" I said.

Flayn and Mercedes: Let sleeping dogs lie (Flayn and Mercedes #3)Where stories live. Discover now