Chapter 28

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Narrator: Mercedes

Chapter 28

The Wish Witch was incredibly strong. She kept setting up sand traps and her minions were relentless. By this point, we were on our last legs. I would've used my powers but I didn't want to reveal them to some criminals.

"Mercedes, do something!" Skulker yelled.

"I can't use them, not here!" I responded.

"Do something or we're witch food," Flayn hissed.

"Okay okay," I responded.

I freed up my wings only for them to be caught in the sand.

Zenobia proceeded to cackle, her pink lips bobbing up and down.

"We'll be leaving with our prize now," Beker said.

"STOP YOU CRIMINALS!" a familiar voice yelled.

Ember's voice destroyed the cage holding Olwen. The witch was also taking damage.

"I'm outta here!"Beker screamed running away.

The other criminals and Zenobia did the same. We had won but just barely. Ember proceeded to lockpick Olwen's cage and freed her.

"Why Ember?" Olwen asked.

"It's the right thing to do," she responded.

"Also call me Minmay," Ember added.

"Are you actually a Wish Witch?" Freya interjected.

"Yeah, I am," Olwen responded.

"Prove it," Flayn grinned.

Olwen quickly transformed back and forth. I shared our secrets too. After that, we called it a night...

Flayn and Mercedes: Let sleeping dogs lie (Flayn and Mercedes #3)Where stories live. Discover now