Chapter 2

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An Alternate Dimension


Chapter 2

"Olwen, what are you up to?" my brother Reinhart asked.

"Please stop calling me that I'm getting embarrassed," I responded.

My name was actually Itsumi but that didn't seem to matter to my bro. We had moved to Mitakihara for a scholarship he had. I decided to move in with him. It was my attempt at independence.

"Got everything for school?" he asked.

"Yeah," I responded.

Today was my first day at Mitakihara High School and I wanted to make a good impression. I introduced myself and it was lunchtime when I saw him. He was so handsome that I blushed.

"Who is that?" I asked another girl.

"That's Sho, isn't he handsome," the girl responded.

"Does he have a girlfriend?" I asked her.

"No but he's really picky about dating people," she told me.

As I walked home, I felt sad. Sho had a million girls flocking to him. Did I even stand a chance?

"Hello friend," a voice said.

A white creature emerged from the shadows. It looked like a bunny and a kitty combined.

"Who are you?" I asked shocked.

"I am Kyubey and I want you to hear me out," it said.

"Okay..." I mumbled.

This would later prove to be my worst decision ever...

Flayn and Mercedes: Let sleeping dogs lie (Flayn and Mercedes #3)Where stories live. Discover now