Chapter 1 *edited again*

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Your POV (your 22)

I was walked home from work since I didn't have a car yet because it got towed a while back for parking it "illegally" some where and mom wasn't answering her phone, which was quiet unusual for her. As I got closer to the house I noticed her car was in the drive way like normal, which made me question more. I pull out my house keys to unlock the door but it was already opened. She always has the door locked. I walked in and noticed all the lights were off and it was oddly quiet.

Mom was that kind of mother that blasts music while cleaning when ever she could get the chance and that's what she would be doing once I get home from work. She's usually loud, talking on the phone, cleaning, or sleeping, but This house being this quiet was not normal; this was concerning.

"Mom?" No reply as I walk around down stairs, checking every room.

"Moooottherrr? Woman who raised me?" Still nothing. I break into a cold sweat and began to panic as I ran up the stairs.

"Mom??" I asked urgently as I walked down the dark hall to her room. Once I finally got to her room I saw the hall way carpet was turned a darker color. My chest tightened in fear of what I was going to see next. I turned on the hall way light and looked down to see what made the carpet a different color; it was blood, her blood.

I thought in my head as I reached for her door knob, debating if I should actually open it or not and just call the cops. Curiosity got the best of me, making me open the door, and boy was it a mistake.

Mom was on her bed back down. I stepped into the room and turned on her light to see more. I gagged at the sight that was before me making me turn away. I got out of the room and faced a wall in the hallway with what has pictures of me and my mom and was now covered with words made of blood.

'welcome back (y/n)' and I knew exactly who did this. Tears filled my eyes, but this time, it was mixed with anger.

"Asshole!" I growled and punched the wall.

Who did this was my crazy step father, who abused me and my mother. My anger got the best of me and made me flip.

"WHERE ARE YOU?! SHOW YOUR SELF!" I yelled as loud as I could.

I looked around the room with blurry vision from the tears. By now my tears were streams, constantly going down my red cheeks. My step father stepped out of the shadows with a big smile.

"Hello (y/n)! Welcom-" I cut him off with my pocket knife at his throat.

"H-how dare you!" I screamed.

"(Y/n) calm down sweet heart" I pushed the knife closer.

"Calm down? C-CALM DOWN?! YOU KILLED MY MOM!! I COULD JUST KILL YOU RIGHT NOW AND END IT ALL!" I yelled in his face. He had his hands up in surrender.

"You don't understand, (y/n), let me-"

"Understand? I don't understand??" I laughed.

"Im not going to let you explain as to why you killed my mother and abused us for years, you drunken bitch" I growled in a low tone.

"I'll make you feel her pain. All the pain you put her and I through." I whispered in an insane tone. He tried to grab the knife from my hands. He got me with the knife on my neck and down my arm but I kicked him in the balls and as he fell, I stabbed the knife right were his heart is and twisted it, pulled down, and made a huge cut. I pulled out the knife and stabbed him repeatedly in the chest until my anger was gone.

"You bitch!" I screamed as I stomped on the knife, making it go deeper than before. Once I was done, I looked down at the dead, torn apart body in regret. I pulled out my phone and called 911.

"911 whats your emergency?"

"Help! I just came home a-and-" I acted.

"Its alright miss, calm down and tell me your address." I told her the address and hung up. I walked back and forth in the hall way thinking of a plan to run and the fact that I just murdered my step dad.

"I can't believe I just slaughtered someone" I said in disbelief.

"I need to pack things and run. I can't go to jail; no, I can't." I repeated. I ran to my room and began packet my things and ran out of my house before 911 got here. I changed my clothes and washed the blood from my hands in a bathroom at a park and continued to walk far until I passed out on side walk.

Jordan POV

I was heading home with groceries in the trunk because Bethany forced me to get out of the house for a little bit. As I drove home I noticed a girl, probably around my age, passed out on the side walk. She had a small black backpack with her, resting her head on it. Guilt hit me, so I had to do some thing to help her. I pulled over and got out of the car, examining her as I walked over. She looked like a mess, poor girl. I called Isaac and told him about the girl, he said bring her home to help her and so I did.

-at home-

I layed her down in the passenger side of my car. 'God please don't wake up now; It would be super awkward if you did...' I thought as I placed her down. I got home and kicked my front door open. I had the sleeping girl in my arms.

"Im home!" I yelled. The girl began to stir in my arms. I placed her down on the couch and covered her with a blanket. Isaac walked over with a smile. It soon disappeared when he looked down at the girl.

"Wow she must have been through alot. She's got scratches on her neck and arm. They look pretty recent." Isaac said, checking the cuts.

"Yeah, and I saw her asleep on the sidewalk near that park that's down the street" I said. We both sat in silence looking at the girl.

"I'll get the guest bed room ready!" He yelled in excitement and began going up the stairs.

"Isaac no!" I whispered.

"What? Why not?" He whispered back from the stair case.

"Because we don't know if she wants to stay long! She'll probably wake up and walk out" I whispered again.

"Well, let's at least make her feel comfortable. I've slept on that couch before and it hurts me the next day." he whispered.

"Fine, but Why are we still whispering?" I whispered with a chuckle. He shrugged and laughed.

I carried her up to the room once he was done and tucked her in. I placed her bag next to her bed and walked out, slowly closing the door and going to play some Gmod.

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