Chapter 2 *edited again*

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Your POV

I woke up to something soft, excepting there to be hardness around me but there wasn't. I sat up and looked around the place I was in.

"Where am I??" I mumbled in confusion. I got out of the big bed and grabbed my bag. I checked my phone and saw it was 9:34. I sighed and dropped it back into my bag. I looked and saw that my arm had a bandage around it where I got cut. I touched my neck and felt the bandage around it too, which caused me to have memories of yesterday flood my brain. I began to cry quietly.

I hear foot steps walk to the room and the door opening gently.

"What's wrong? Calm down, it's okay. You're in a safer place." A tall man said, pulling me into a hug. I cried in his chest until I stopped.

I looked down at my feet and I noticed I didn't have my shoes on. I looked across from me and saw them at the door of the room.

"You alright now?" The man said. I recognize that voice.

"J-Jordan?" I asked with a low tone.

"You know me?" He asked, quiet surprised with a laugh. I looked up at him with wide eyes and a small smile.

"Of course I do! You're Jordan Frye, or Venturain" I said, embarrassed Yet excited.

"Ah yes, a fan." he said and laughed. We both sat in silence until he asked a question.

"I hate to ask this so suddenly but, why were you sleeping on the side walk?" He asked.

"Thats... something I don't like to talk about." I said quietly as I looked down at my lap. He nodded.

"Yeah you're right. I'm sorry I asked" he said.

"It's okay" I said. He smiled gently at me.

"Wait I never got your name." He said.

"Oh it's (y/n)." I said. He smiled.

"Well, im not sure if you want to go down yet but Bethany is making breakfast" he said. I nodded and walked down stairs with him.

"Guys she's awake!" Jordan yelled as we walked down the stairs. His house was pretty nice. It's better than it looks in the videos. Very big and spacey.

"Everyone is in the kitchen so I'm going to talk to them first before they trample you, so stay right here." He said. I nodded and watched him walk off.

"Where is she? Isaac was telling us about the girl! Im so excited to meet her!" Cierra said, jumping around.

"Me too!" Bethany joined.

"Guys, calm down. She's been through a lot so don't crowed around her and don't ask her questions about anything. Oh and she's also a fan of our channel." I heard him say. Everyone agreed.

"(Y/n)!" He called. I slowly and awkwardly walked to the kitchen as everyone's eyes were laid on me. Bethany walked over and smiled.

"Hi I'm Bethany! Whats you're name?" She asked me.

"I'm (y/n)." I said shyly. Bethany looked up at Jordan.

"Can we keep her?? Please!" She begged.

"Ya so sooo adorable!" Ceirra said jumping.

"Guys calm down." Isaac said laughing. Bethany and cerria had puppy dog eyes aiming at Jordan, making me giggle.

"It's fine by me but it's up to her." He said. Everyone turns to me.

"Umm, Yeah sure I'll stay." I said with a small smile. The two sisters jumped in excitement.

"Let's go out for breakfast since I can't actually cook!" Bethany said in a cheery voice.

"Can I change first though?" I asked. They agreed. I took off up stairs and opened my bag, taking out a black t- shirt with a pair of clean jeans. I changed and put on my shoes and ran back down stairs.

"Alright." I said.

"Let's go!!" Isaac cheered and off we went.

Jordan POV --

"We're here!" I said as we get out of the car. We go in, get a table, and order.
I couldn't help but stare at (y/n) every now and then. She's just, beautiful. I began to zone out.

"Jordan?" I heard some one calling my name. It was (y/n) and she had weird look on her face.

"Hm what?" I said. Everyone at the table was looking at me.

"Oh." I blushed in embarrasement.

"Im going to the bathroom" I said as I walked away.

"Oh my god"

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