Chapter 13 *edited again*

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Jordan POV

I held my side tight as we ran to the car.

"Jordan we have to get you to the hospital!!" She yelled as she got in.

"I'm good. Just get in." I wheezed in pain and started the car.

"You just got stabbed!" She yelled. I shrugged and winced And drove off. She turned to me with a scared look.

"Jordan! Drive to the hospital!" She yelled again in panic.

"We have supplies at home for stitches. Bethany knows how to do it and hospitals cost too much." I said calmly. She looked at me with disbelief but sighed. She sat quiet the rest of the way.
We finally got home and saw a white van with P.I.E written on it terribly with black paint.

"Wait Why are they here?" I asked my self. (Y/n) sat up and looked.

"Who?" She asked but I didn't answer. We got out of the car and walked inside to see everyone sitting on the couch, talking. All heads turned to us.

"They're home!" Bethany yelled and ran to (y/n) with a bear hug. (Y/n) returned the hug and laughed. Isaac ran over to me and saw that my hand was over my side and bleeding.

"Jordan you're bleeding!" Isaac yelled, causing everyone to turn their heads towards me.

"Yes I am quiet aware that I have a big hole in my side, Isaac. Thank you." I said sarcastically. Suddenly a throbbing pain came, making me double over.

"Oh my god." I heard (y/n) mumbled. I looked up and saw her face filled with fear. Isaac pulled me up over to a chair in the kitchen and took off my shirt, telling me to relax. I breathed out with a sigh. Bethany walked into the kitchen with a kit in hand and gloves. (Y/n) came over and rubbed my shoulder in comfort. After a while I got used to the needle going through my skin, enough for me to be able to talk and not squeal.

"Why didn't you go to the hospital?" Bethany asked. I sighed.

"I felt fine." I said with no emotion causing Bethany to smack the back of my head. Ghost and Toast walked in and sat down in front of me.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I asked them.

"We came over to visit you for a quick minute but Ceirra told us what happened so we stayed, plus we need to check out Jimmy since Isaac told us he visited recently." Ghost said as he looked down at a medium sized box that was beeping slowly. Suddenly he turned it towards he staircase and the beeping increased.

"Oh. Theres a ghost here. At least I think it's a ghost?" He said, sounding surprised. (Y/n) stopped rubbing my shoulder and stared down Ghost.

"It appears to be a level 6 ghost and it's... here. Upstairs." Ghost said. (Y/n) suddenly took off up stairs. Cierra and I looked at each other. She gave a questioning look and I just shrugged.

"Follow her." I said. Cierra nodded and went upstairs after (y/n).

Your POV---

I ran upstairs and checked every room.

"Do you think the ghost damaged one of the rooms?" Cierra asked as she followed me.

"I hope not." I said. I finally got to Jordan's room. I opened the door and saw everything trashed. Computer was smashed, headphones were ripped in two, and just wires everywhere on the floor, and his posters were ripped off the wall.

"Ohhh he's not gonna like this." Cierra said. Suddenly heavy foot steps came rushing up the stair.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Ghost yelled and shoved us both out of the doorway and back into the hallway. Multiple knifes were in the wall on my door, which was across from Jordan's room. As we laid there, I turned to Cierra with wide eyes, now noticing that she's knocked out. Suddenly a big cloud of black thick smoke came out of the door and turned into a human figure.

"Show yourself you coward!"Jordan growled and walked over. Suddenly The smoke formed Into Jimmy, who had a big smile on his face.

"Im back!!" He sung with jazz hands. Jordan ran over and punched him across the face, making him stumble back. Jimmy smiled.

"Oh a punch like that could've broken  someone's jaw." Jimmy said and cracked his jaw back into place, making me cringe. Jordan was distracted by trying to help me up so Jimmy took his chance and tackled him to the ground. Jimmy grabbed Jordan by the neck and laughed. Jordan tried to break free but failed. Jimmy began laughing more as Dark lines began to appear on his skin from the arms to the face; his eyes turning bright red. Jordan finally passed out and Jimmy slowly disappeared with his evil cackles slowly fading away, looking dead at me.

"Good luck~" was the last thing Jimmy said before he was completely gone. Toast and Ghost ran over to Jordan who was bleeding a bit from the mouth, to check if he's breathing.

"He's barely breathing, call 911!" Ghost yelled at us. I grabbed my phone and called with tears streaming down my face. Ghost continued to check his body and saw fresh blood on the side of Jordan's shirt where the stitches were.

"He reopened his stitches." He said to me. I nodded and dozed off as we waited.
We all sat in the waiting room, waiting impatiently to see Jordan. I was bouncing my knee up and down pretty fast. I laid my head Cierra's shoulder as Bethany rubbed my back to help me.

"(Y/n) (L/n)?" A lady said walking out holding a clip bored.

"Yes?" I asked. 

"We have some bad news." My heart dropped when she said those words.

"W-What is It?" Cierra said.

"Jordan was badly injured from the choking that, It was some inhuman strength that damaged his throat terribly. And..." I stopped listening after that. I knew it. I knew this would happen.

"And he only has a few minutes to live before his entire body shuts down." The lady finished. Yup. There I go. I wanted to fall the floor and cry. Cierra pulled me up out of the chair and hugged me. Ghost walked over and put his hand on my back for comfort. Cierra and Bethany became a crying mess besides me.

"Well. Let's go see him." Ghost said to us in a small voice. We got to his room and saw him, limp on his bed, still asleep. I covered my mouth and tried not to cry again. I walked over next to him and grabbed his cold hand and held it. Ghost looked at the floor with tears while Toast looked at me with sympathy.

"J-Jordan, p-please dont leave me." I said with my voice cracking at each word. His eyes opened. His chocolate brown eyes used to sparkle but now, there dull, filled with tears looking up at me.

"(Y/n), I love you." he whispered.

"I love you too." I said, barely able to speak.

"Do me a favor."


"Get revenge on me." He said, his eyes flickered bright blue but back to brown.
I looked at him strangely but nodded. Jordan wanted to talk to everyone else so I was pushed out of the room and
Now sitting in the hallway, crying. I had my knees propped up and my arms covering my face.

"Its going to be okay." Some one said and put their hand over my head in comfort. I looked up quickly and saw no one around me. I shrugged it off and continued crying my problems away.

Jordan's POV

I felt my heart beat getting slower as I cry.

"Looks like this is goodbye." I said, looking at my heart rate. Everyone had tears rolling down their cheeks as they watched me go. My world started to turn black, my eyelids slowly closed as I feel into a deep sleep, forever.

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