Chapter 11 *edited again*

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Your POV--

"Sooo..." I said awkwardly.

"I knew Isaac was planning something." Jordan mumbled.

"You're not wrong." I laughed and smiled. We both stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say next. He looked nervous, he rubbed the back of his neck and smiled.

"Hey, (y/n)?" He asked quietly. I looked up at him.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked very nervously.

"Yeah, yeah totally!" I said excitedly. A big dorky smile grew on his face. He walked over and hugged me tightly. From the corner of my eye, I saw something moving but I pushed it away.

Later on that night, I woke up around 1 and looked around the room. I swore I saw red eyes and I heard a faint whisper saying 'stab stab stab' in the corner of my room, really creeping me out. I hugged Jordan tightly and told him about it.

"Jordan wake up, I think I'm seeing things and im really scared." I whispered.

"Hm?" He said rolling over facing me.

"I heard stab stab stab and I saw glowing eyes in the corner of the room." I said. Jordan sat straight up with wide eyes and messy hair.

"Oh no." He mumbled. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"He's back." he mumbled again. What the hell is going on?

"Who's back?? This isn't helping me, Jordan!!" I said angrily. I'm feeling quiet cranky.

"Jimmy Casket." he whispered. I suddenly felt a cold blast of air hit me, giving me chills. After he said that, the red eyes came back.

"You rang~" a voice said. Soon he came out of the shadows. He looked just like Jordan, but with red eyes and covered in blood, from head to toe. Black jacket, red shirt, and casual dark blue jeans.

"What do you want?" Jordan said confidently.

"Well I'm just here to see your first, girlfriend. What a beauty of you ask me~" He walks over slowly to my side of the bed; I felt Jordan put his arm across my chest, giving a nasty glare at Jimmy. Jimmy smirks and lifts my chin with his bloody knife.

"Great jaw line, beautiful face structure, bright (e/c) eyes, (c/h) hair, really soft skin." he said while creasing my cheek with his hand. Jordan slapped his hand away.

"Well, Jordan, you did a great job! I wonder what your children would look like." he said with a smile. A very very creepy smile. Jordan face got super red but I was the first to react.

"Excuse me?!" I yelled. I stood up and started to poke Jimmy in the chest yelling.

"Excuse me, who the hell do you think you-" I was cut off by Jimmy putting his hand over my mouth. He gave me a glare, making his red eyes glow even more. I returned the glare in anger. I just want sleep.

"I can come here when ever I please." he growled; getting closer to my face. I slapped him. I started growling but Jordan pulls me back.

"Jimmy, leave." Jordan commanded. As Jordan held me back; Jimmy and I never broke eye contact until he winked at me, making me turn red and confused.

"Well. I guess it's goodbye for now. I'll be back soon, don't you worry!" He said  and disappeared. Once we calmed down we both laid back. I stayed awake starring at the ceiling, thinking about what happened.

"What the hell." I said out of the Blue. Jordan turned to me confused.

"What?" He asked.

"Just. What just happened??? What is Jimmy?? Why was- How does- what????" I asked myself, confused. Jordan put his hand on my face. Just his whole hand over my face and sighed.

"Please go to sleep. I know it's a lot to take it but just... sleep. We'll talk about it in the morning." He said tiredly. I gave a defeated sigh and nodded. He removed his hand and kissed my cheek.

"Good. Goodnight, (y/n)." He said.

"Goodnight." Soon we both fell back to sleep.

Jimmys casket POV--

Well good job, Jordan. You finally found someone! I honestly didn't think he would find anyone in general, even if one of his siblings paid them to fake it. Not sure what she sees in him but what ever it is, isn't going to last very long. But What a great choice you have made, but that choice won't be yours for long, (y/n) will be mine. Such fair skin and beautiful hair. She would be perfect for being a killer with me! She seems so innocent! If we were to kill, we could get away with many things. It's perfect!

Jordan POV-- next morning.

I have a really bad feeling right now. Jimmy is gonna cause trouble soon and I know he is.

"Jordan?" (Y/n) asked with a raspy voice.

"Hm?" I hummed, rolling over facing her.

"I have a really bad feeling that something's going to happen. Maybe it's all in my mind but I can't get rid of it, I can't push it away." She said.

"Do you feel it too?" She asked me, looking over. I looked up at the ceiling and debated on telling a lie or the truth.

"No. Just don't worry about it. Even if something does happen, I'll protect you." I said and held her hand. The lie it is. I can't tell her that I also feel it, she'll freak out. I can't do that to her.

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