chapter 4 *edited again*

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your POV

"Pizza!" Someone yelled from down stairs. I slowly sat up from my bed and wiped away drool from my cheek.

"When did I fall asleep?" I asked my self and looked around the dark room.

"They must've turned the lights off for me when I passed out." I said and ran my fingers through my messy hair. I tied it up in a knot and went down stairs. I saw Jordan grabbing a slice of pizza from the box, Isaac doing a rubix cube at the kitchen table while eating pizza, and Bethany and Cierra playing Mario cart on the game cube in the living room.

"Hey guys" I said as I stretched from the last step of the stairs.

"Hey, (y/n). You just wake up from your  nap?" Jordan asked and walked over to me.

"Yeah. Im still tired, and I don't remember passing out." I said with a laugh. Jordan chuckled as he took a bite of his pizza.

"Want some?" He asked.

"Sure." I said.

"I'll get it for you." He said and put his plate on the table as he went off to grab me a slice. I went over to the couch to watch Ceirra and Bethany play there game.

"Hey (y/n)? you wanna play some Gmod later? We can make you an account" Jordan asked from the kitchen. I looked over at him.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Especially with me? I mean you did just find me on the street." I laughed. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm sure you'll do fine, we won't record you playing if you'd like?" He said. He handed me a plate with pizza and looked at me.

"No it's good, we can record, I don't mind." I said.

"I'm just afraid of what the fans will think of me." I added as I took a bite of the pizza.

"I'm sure they'll love you, but don't worry about that. If anything happens, I could say something to them." He offered. I nodded my head in agreement and took another bite. Jordan and I sat down at the table to eat with Isaac as he was still focused on the rubix cube.

"Guys come eat!" he yelled.

"Aw already?" Ceirra whined.

"Yes!" Jordan yelled back. She sighed and paused the game and got up. Bethany followed and sat down at the table.

"done!" Isaac yelled throwing down his rubix cube down on the table, almost into his plate making us laugh. I laughed even harder when Jordan threw a piece of cheese from his pizza at Isaac's face and Isaac threw a piece back.

"Okay! That's enough!" Ceirra yelled while laughing and covering her face. Bethany chucked a chunk of her pizza at Ceirra, sliding down her face.

"Okay that's it!" Ceirra yelled and soon everyone got into a food fight, expect me. I was eating my slice.

'I ain't wasting my precious food' I thought. Soon Jordan threw a piece at me and it hit my cheek.

'Okay maybe I will...' I thought and threw some pepperoni.

~later~ (GMOOOODDD)

"Is it ok if I record us playing?" Jordan asked while putting on his headphones.

"Thats fine with me" I said putting on a pair of headphones too. I heard a click go off then he started talking

"Greetings fellow adventurers! This is Venturian with some one new, my friend, (y/n) and where gonna play some gmod" he said excitedly, throwing his hands up in the air like a child. He's still the same, even off camera. I stayed quiet because I feel like I would say something stupid on camera.

~5 mins into the video~

"THRUSTERRRRSSS!!" Jordan screamed.

"JORDAN NOO!" I screamed laughing as the te-rex was chasing my avatar. "FREDDY NO!" I yelled.

"FREDDY YES" Jordan yelled. Soon the video was over. We walked out to the hallway and stopped.

"Its 11, im going to bed." I said.

"Noooo. Come down stairs, they're watching a movie. Come join us." Jordan said with puppy eyes.

"Fiinneee" I give in. He smiles and begins to walk down stairs; me following behind. As soon as we got down, everyone turned to us.

"Guys, come join us!" Cierra said with her arms opened. I laughed and walked over.

"What movie?" I asked.

"Phantom of the opera." Isaac said. Shrugged and joined them on the couch with Jordan next to me. I started to get really sleepy after a while into the movie so I fell asleep and put my head on Jordan's shoulder. I felt him move his arm around my shoulder, making it more comfortable for me, making me fall asleep.

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