Chapter 19 *edited*

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Your POV

I woke up to giggling and some one poking my face. I opened one eye to see, Sally, Dylan, and Jordan. I pushed Jordan's hand away and laughed. The kids layed on my back, trying to get me to wake up.

"daddy has question!!" Sally said. I sat up from bed and smiled, to see Jordan, proposing to me with a blue and (f/c) ring.

"Well what a lovely suprise so early in the morning" I said, smiling big.

"will you marry me? I know this isn't very romantic but I couldn't wait" he said with a smile.

"Yes!" I said kissing him. The kids let out an ewww. Jordan sat up and hugged all 3 of us.

/wedding dayyyyy\\

We all agreed on a blue and white wedding. I was getting ready. I died the tips of my hair blue, my dress was also blue with white ribbon. I had superman colored flowers everywhere. Before I walked down the isle, I had Sally as a flower girl and Dylan walked with her down the isle dressed in the same colors. Since the kids look a lot like both of us, we had them dressed almost like us.

I walked down the isle to see Jordan almost crying. His best man was Isaac and mine was Bethany. "blah blah blah, you may now kiss the bride!" Jordan pulled me into a deep kiss. Every one started clapping.
More next chapter!!

Venturian x reader!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora