chapter 7 *edited again*

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your POV

Little bit of smut. Like only a little so don't worry.

we finally arrived to this very fancy restaurant that had bright lights on the outside and fancy people walking in.

"Whoa, this place is rich people place, how can you afford this?" I asked in shock. They all shrugged and have no clue how they got the money. We got out of the car and walked in, got a table, and ordered.

I sat next to Jordan. Bethany sat next to Isaac, then Cierra, they sat on the other side of the table. Cierra whispered something to Isaac and Isaac whispered to Bethany then to Jordan, then once she sat back down Jordan put his arm around me and leaned down in his seat. My cheeks turned red and so did Jordan's but he was trying to act cool by looking the opposite way.

Everyone else was smiling at us. Then they whispered 'kiss kiss kiss' Jordan's cheeks got really red, which was funny. "You guys are children." Jordan said with a laugh and looking down at his lap. I just smiled the whole time. Isaac, Bethany, and Ceirra starter to talk and have their own little conversation. Suddenly they all stood up, Isaac was the one to speak first.

"We're  going out side real quick to see a friend!" Isaac said and so everyone else got up except Jordan and I.

"so... what do you think they're meeting?" I asked as I ate. Jordan looked down at his food and sighed. 

"Im sure they lied and did it to just leave us alone." Jordan said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Isaac told me before we left." He said with a smile. I laughed and nodded.

"And I'm really sorry about them, they're just obsessed I guess and-"

"Jordan, you dont have to apologize, I really don't mind any of this. It's nice." I said softly. Jordan smiled.

"Are you sure? Because they can be wei-." He started.

"Shush! I am sure, and I don't mind it." I said and chuckled.

I looked away, then I looked back seeing Jordan wearing a mustache with a serious face, looking at me dead in the eyes. I burst out laughing, making all the rich people looked at us like morons but I didn't care.

I looked away again and the mustache was gone, which made me laugh even harder. Later we got kicked out for a burping competition. Everyone was out side, we walked out with guilt over our faces.

what did you guys do?" Bethany said laughing. We both looked down at each other and laughed.

"We had a burping competition to see who could burp the loudest." they had a shocked look.

"Well Who won?" Ceirra asked.

"I did!" I said and laughed.

"Did you both at least kiss?" Isaac asked. I shook my head no and giggled. 'I wish though'

"Anyways lets get home, its late." Jordan said, trying to clear off the awkward tension. We all nodded and got in the car and drove home. As I looked out the window, lost in my thoughts, a sudden memory pops in my head of my mother, my sister, and I driving to our house but we got into a car accident, because some one cut us off. (this actually happend to my brother. he was ridding a motorcycle and some one cut him off and he fell off. but hes ok now XD) it was bad, we actually almost died, well we were supposed to die but thanks to the new updated car we didn't really get that hurt. Soon I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

"hey (y/n) you ok?" Isaac asked me.

"hm? oh ya, im fine" I said trying to not to cry.

I got out of the car and ran inside, struggling with the heels. I went straight to the bathroom and washed of all my make up off. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said sniffiling. Some one walked in and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Your here with us now, (y/n). Leave the past behind. I cant stand to see you cry like this." I knew who this was. Jordan.

"I-I-I cant" I said digging my face into his chest. I gripped on to his white button down and cried more. I felt his arms tighten around my waist and his face in the crook of my neck. He leaned against the counter as he hugged me.

"Wanna go down stairs for a bit?" Jordan offered and rubbed my back.

"No I want to wait a little bit before I go back down there." I said.

"Alright." He said and sat quiet.

"Do you want me to leave?" He asked. I mumbled no into his chest and hugged tighter. He gave a small smile and nuzzled his nose more into my neck, making me chuckle and blush.

"S-stop that" I giggled. I felt him smile and bite my neck. I let out a small gasp and blushed deep red. 'Did he just...' He kept bitting and sucking in different spots. I bit my lip to prevent me from moaning. Eventually he realized what he was doing and stood straight up, blushing deep deep red.

"I-I am so sorry, (y/n). I don't know w-what came over me." he stuttered.

"Jordan it's fine. I liked it" I whispered and hugged him. Since I was wearing heels I was almost his height.

As I got done talking, I bit his ear. Making him let out a small noise. I smirked evilly.

"Let's s-stop before the other walk in" he whispered. I agreed and walked out and went to my room. I pulled out a black turtle neck and some grey shorts and white knee high socks. I sat on my bed and thought about what happened.

'Is he sexual? He doesn't seem like he would be, but then again, everyone has a freaky side.' I shrugged it off and went down stairs. When I got down there, he was chilling on the couch, looking like he was in deep thought. I plopped down next to him and poked him, making him jump.

"Don't poke me, I'm ticklish." He laughed. I smiled and closed my eyes, leaning against him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I layed my head on his shoulder.

"I love you, Jordan." I said with out realizing.

"I love you too" He said back. Soon I fell asleep on him again.

Jordan POV

'Wow I can bit her neck and leave hickeys but I can't actually kiss her? Wow that's lame of me.' I thought. I looked down at her. I leaned my head against hers and fell asleep.

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