Chapter 2

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A/n before the chapter begins I would like to say that this book won via the vote. So if your reading this expect new chapters to appear when I get the chance. Now to the story.....

Before the main events of mha

Y/n:age 38

Y/n:(it's has been 10 years since I have been a villan and oh boy does the world know me more than ever. I wonder why? In America I took from the royal treasure or in Russia I fought the number one hero there and won. They were in shock that I spared him so yeah I Think they know me now, the villans too. Oh boy they know me now in fact some called me queen Ghidora it feels odd being called that because that belongs to my grandmother x 3 not me. Although, she would want me to keep the name in the family and she would flip if she saw me not use it not bad reason but rather a long scolding *shivers at the thought* yeah but no)


Computer: yes m'am?

Y/n: find All For One's location for me please.

Computer: yes m'am.

Y/n:(In villan terms they call him the king of all villainly but I'm about to show him the queen. Even though he has been "dead" by the new number one hero in Japan, All Might, I can understand why AFO is hiding. A plan is brewing in his head. I can tell when we first met that was a bucket of worms)

Flashback: y/n age:33

Pov: AFO

AFO: (It's gonna be a long night ahead of Me *hears a knock on the door* that is her) come in.

Pov 3rd: It is seen y/n in her villan outfit but more modified via her scales. Don't show as well as her skin but (for personal use she can unzip her chest open via the suit and can take it off with a press of a button and switch to her normal clothes) it's a gold and white kind of color.

AFO: *not that fazed but still in aww of her beauty* *coughs* sorry please take a seat.

Y/n: gladly (I know he was looking at my body but sorry your a no go for me but I'm use to it).

AFO: So if you don't mind I like to get to the point.

Y/n: Go ahead.

AFO: I would like you to join me.

Y/n: *giggles*.

AFO: Something funny? (I know why she is laughing though)

Y/n: (your correct) sorry but *wipes a tear away* your funny no offense why in the world would the most well know villan need me a semi newbie?

AFO: Well if you and I join forces we could easily take this world and you would be my right hand lady.

Y/n: *semi snaps* say that again (I am no one's servant no ones!)

AFO: *sees her anger up* calm down, if you do not mind, and I want you to become my right hand.

Y/n: (that's is the last straw) *lunges at AFO with a fist of lightning*

AFO: *trys to block but fails*

Pov: AFO

AFO: (I had a feeling that would happen so plan b it is take her Quirk and make her join to get it back) *uses his aircannon Quirk with Soundwave to push her back*

Y/n: *sees him attacking back* (Hmm?) *dodges the attack and uses her own light base one but copy what he tried to do but Stronger*

AFO: *gets hit by it and goes through a wall* ( *coughs* dang it I need to get closer but she can keep me far so)*trys to get closer to y/n*.

Y/n: *sees it*(oh that is what your trying to do take my "Quirk as people call them.)

AFO: *stops in place* what how did you know that and what do you mean by "qurik".

Y/n: Well my "Quirk" we'll try and take it to see why I did air quotes.

AFO: *trys again via lunge*

Y/n: (I'll play along for him to "take but he won't see my next move).

AFO: *puts hand on her face and trys to take y/n's "Quirk but fails* (what?)

Y/n: (ugh no offense but you need to find a new way to take abilitys) *punches him in the chest hard*

AFO: *falls on one knee*(what?! How did she do that?).

Y/n: *smriks and grabs him by the neck of his coat to make him look her in the eyes* so what do you want me to be?

AFO: (well played) yourself.

Y/n: good but I would leave or go invisible because the cops are almost here.

AFO: why would you tell me that.

Y/n: Well *starts to fly* you'll have to find out *Flys away*

AFO: *hears sirens* time to go.*goes invisible*

Back to present time

Pov: y/n

Computer: m'am

Y/n: yes?

Computer: I found AFO.

Y/n: good *smriks*

And that is it see you guys next chapter.

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