Chapter 17 USJ Arc aftermath

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It is seen Class 1a in police station and they are being questioned and now its izuku and y/n turn.

Detective (Can't remember his name):ok lets start I like to ask you young lady some questions.

Y/n:Aslong there not about personal stuff then I'm ok with it.

Detective:I understand that now let me ask why did you fight the creature by yourself even though AllMight was there?

Y/n:Well I had a bad feeling if he got more involved then he did the villans would have jumped him even though the nomu was occupied.

A/n:If your wondering they met before when AllMight was in recovery girl office since izuku was not as damaged then he was in the anime and manga.

Detective:Alright now you midoriya when you saw her well Turn it to ash how did you react no offense miss l/n

Y/n:None taken.

Izuku:W-Well I was shocked at first but knowing her anger can get out of control when she did that I knew she was not in her right mind but blind by semi rage.

Detective:*nods*Well one more from you both Do you know what the monster was?

Izuku:Not interlly but I do know there named nomu right l/n san.

Y/n:Yup that's right.

Detective:Well thank you both for your time and I hope you two get home safe.

Both:*nods and leaves*


Izuku:*Walking next f/n and sees our classmates*

Kirishima:Hey midoriya l/n*Waves us over*

Izuku:*Goes to him and f/n is behind me *

F/n:*Puts her head on my shoulder*

Izuku:*Blushes but used to it*N-need something Kirishima kun?

Kirishima:Not much but one thing are you sure you two aren't dating?

Izuku:*Blushes reder*n-n-no were n-n-not.

F/n:Izu right were not.

Kirishima:OK but still the way you let l/n san put her head on you it kinda looks like you two are dating.

Izuku:*Rubs the back of my head*Well w-we h-have b-been friends ever since middle school.

F/n:*nods In agreement*

Kirishima:ok I believed you two but hey if you do I'll keep it a secret for you guys if mina finds out well good luck to keep her quiet about it.

F/n:I'll keep that in mind.

Izuku:*Blushes reder*T-Thank y-you Kirishima kun.

Kirishima:No problem later see you in two days*Walks to his moms car*

Izuku:*Gets a text from mom saying that I need to come home but I'm not in trouble*S-S-Sorry l/n san I have to go home my mom ask me to come home.

F/n:*removes her head form my shoulder*Ok izu I'll talk to you later*Hugs me and puts me between her chest and after that walks away*~.

Izuku:*Blushes reder*(Even after what we all went through she still finds ways to make me blush)*Starts to go home*


Y/n:*Walking to my house*(Well I Guess I have to talk to AFO again about what happened but knowing him he planned that attack and ask Shigaraki to do it they seem close)*Gets to my house and opens the door and sees Olga Working on a side project of hers and then sees me*.

Olga:My queen*Bows her head*

Y/n:It's ok Olga act how you normally act around me.

Olga:I know my queen but I rather be polite then rude.

Y/n:It's ok So *Tells her what happened today*

Olga:*Gathers all the info*Oh my It does sound like you went a bit overboard.

Y/n:Kinda*Rubs the back of my head*

Olga:But I'm also surprised he scolded you.

Y/n:Yeah I'm shocked too but hey It just means he cares so I'm ok with it.

Olga:*nods*So I guess his mom needed him?

Y/n:Yes she did so I'm just gonna continue planing my big return*Goes to my room and cloes the door*


Olga:(I know she gonna plan that but still I guess hanging out with her mate is her Favorite thing now so I understand if she needs some space)*Continues on my side project of mine*

A/n:Hey guys sorry it took so long to update been busy with family but I'm back and also sorry for the short chapter also over 740 words.

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