Chapter 11

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AllMight:(Dang I knew she was strong but not that strong*remembers what Olga told him*)

Flashback a week before the entrance exams.

Olga:*Caring a tray that has three cups of tea and a bowl of grapes*.

AllMight:*knocks on the door*

Olga:one minute*puts the tray on the coffee table and walks to the door and opens it*What brings you here Mr Yagi?

AllMight:*Flich*(Dang she is still on point)Actually I have someone who like to meet you.

Nezu:*Hops on AllMight solder*Hello you must be Olga Correct?

Olga:Yes but come in the ac is on.

Both:*nods and comes in*

Olga:*sits down on a chair and let's AllMight and nezu sit on the couch*So what brings you both here and if you want tea or grapes help your self.

Nezu:*Grabs a tea cup and drinks a little*This is good and on the reason why I'm here I would like to ask you a few questions.

Olga:If they are within my limit I will answer but my lady is not here she is hanging out with Mr midoriya.

Nezu:that's actually my first question on your lady or miss l/n Correct?


Nezu:I read her files from the school she is at and she Is a smart and professional lady.


Nezu:And When the testing on her qurik came around she has a quite unique one does she not.

Olga:*nods*(If he wants to know more about her qurik I'm not going to give him info except the name).

Nezu:*pulls up L/n file*Grand Thunder dragon is it?


Nezu:I have to say she is quite a lucky young lady to have a good life and a unique qurik to boot.

Olga:My lady Is more than ok with the lifestyle she has but when it comes to when she finds her mate(even though she already found him)I know she will help them out.

Nezu:*nods*I like to ask one more thing and it's about you if you don't mind.

Olga:If it's not rude or out of limits go ahead.

Nezu:Are you her Mother of sorts?

Olga:I'm a mother figure to her but no I'm her Personal house Maid or trainer.

Nezu:(Hmm she must be more than that but I'm not gonna ask to much of her)well that's all I have to ask but would you like to help Mr yagi in his hero training class?

Olga:no reason my family has been in my lady's family for generations of my family life it's an old ways we go butcmy family is forever loyal to my lady family.

Nezu:*nods understands* well thank you miss Olga for this talk*holds out a paw to shake hands with*

Olga:*shakes it*I like to talk to you Mr yagi before you go.

Nezu:I'll Just drink this tea*drinks the tea and let's them talk*.

AllMight:What do need miss Olga?

Olga:I'm just gonna give you a heads up on when l/n trains with others at ua she is a lot stronger then them because she train a long time in her life.


Olga:But if you pair her with Mr midoriya she will go easy on him if want her best put her against bakugo if he is in your class.

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