Chapter 12

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Y/n:*Talking with olga* and then I kinda laid on him*smiles*

Olga:*nods*So how did he react(even though I already know how he did).

Y/n:A beet blushing mess*sighs happy*

Olga:That's sounds like him but on more serious matters.

Y/n:*face goes to happy to straight*go on.

Olga:Well let's say someone tried calling you.


Olga:*walks to the phone and brings it to y/n*

Y/n:*looks at it and sees the Dr number**Groans*

Olga:I know my queen.

Y/n:How much does he want.

Olga:Only a bit of your blood for studying and he says that AFO Wishes to talk to you.

Y/n:*smacks her face with her hand*well let's get it over with in terms of the blood.



Y/n goes to the medical draw and takes a special needle and gives it to Olga and Olga grabs a Bandage and then puts the needle and takes a quarter full of blood in the needle and put the Bandage on y/n.

Y/n:man I hate that.

Olga:I know m'am it annoying but the doctor did promise a surprise when he is done.

Y/n:(and it's getting more annoying by the day).

Olga:*Takes the needle and puts it a package and writes a note to the doctor and explained to AFO that Ghidorah is still here just she is planning something big and will talk to him when ready*

Timeskip to the package at the hospital.

Still pov:3rd

Delivery man:*Knocks on the door*

Nurse:*sees the Delivery man*what brings you here sir?

Delivery man:Umm I got a package for Dr*name*.

Nurse:*nods and takes the box and on the box signs it*.

Delivery man:thank you.

Nurse:*walks to the dr room*sir


Nurse:the package came in.

Dr:Well thank you your dismissed first today.

Nurse:*nods and walks away*

Dr:*walks out if the room and goes to the room with the secret door and finds it*

Dr:*walking down the hall and opens the door to see AFO in a medical bed and hook to machine that gives him air*

AFO:*talking to ?*

Dr:sir its here.

AFO:*tells ? He'll call back* Good get what you need and what that note?

Dr:it's for you sir*hand him the note*


AFO:*starts to read the note and it says*dear AFO if your wondering my queen is still alive just working on something big and she will return just not now she plans on a big return and wants to make it a special one so wait untill you are needed:From Olga.*

AFO:(so that's why she been in hiding for so long she is planning on something big*smriks*I understand make your plan and If you need my advice on it I'll give it to you when needed my Lady)

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