Chapter 16 USJ Part two

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It's show in The USJ and the pro hero 13 is explains how the USJ and her Quirk works.

Aizwa:*Drinking out of the thermos Olga Gave him*(Well Atleast I have something to keep me Awake).

13:That is all thank you *Bows*

Class 1a:*Claps*

Aizwa:Now lets-.

The lights are starting to flicker

Aizwa:(What the*Remembers What Olga Told him*Huh looks like Your right Miss Olga)*Puts his goggles on*.

Kirishima:Hey cool they even got fake villans*Points to a purple portal*

All:*Looks at it*

Y/n:(Hmm Looks like Their Attacking now huh oh well I'll just fight To protect my mate even though he can protect himself now).

Shigaraki:*Looks though the portal and Sees Y/n and steps out of the portal*(Master was right she is here well she Maybe "Hero in training" but I see though that disguise she planning something big I have a hunch).

Aizwa:Thoughs are real villans stay back*Jumps forward*.

Iida:Come on everyone let's get to the exit!

Class:*Nods and jogs to the exit*

Y/n:*Heard what Iida said but Moves forward and Make her wings appear*.

Izuku:L/n san Come on!

Y/n:*Looks at izuku and smiles*Don't worry about me izu take care of our classmates they may need help more I do*Flys down and starts to help Aizwa*

Kurogiri:*Looks for AllMight and doesn't see him*Huh looks like the Symbol of peace Is not here I Though he was oh well my name is Kurogiri and we are the Lov or Leugae of villans.

13:Stay back every one*Uses her qurik on Kurogiri*

Kurogiri:*Feels his body moving but doesn't flich**Use his qurik to harm 13 but gets distracted by Bakugo and Kirishima*

Both:Not so thought now huh!

Kurogiri:(That was close)my my so many golden eggs this year huh oh well will just crush some than*uses his Qurik to teleport Major of the class minus y/n and Iida*(Dang that one kid got away).

Back with y/n and Aizwa


F/n:*Uses one hand and her lighting hits  a big group of villans but only to where there out cold*

Aizwa:*Sees What she is doing*(Well I can't stop her form helping so I'll just let this time slide)*fighting villans and sees Shigaraki*(Final boss)*Rushes the main villan*

Shigaraki:*starts to block*(One).

Aizwa:*Continues to fight the villan*


Aizwa:*Gets hit by the villain and gets his elbow disintegrated*

Shigaraki:(Three,Four 5 6 7 8 9 10)no reson you fight quick fights your qurik is a strong one but it's hurts the eyes does it.

Aizwa:(He found out already)

Shigaraki:And also I'm not he final boss he is*Points to a nomu*

Aizwa:*Gets pined down*


Y/n:*As she is fighting villans she sees Aizwa getting pined down*(Oh dear that's gonna hurt)

Villans that are knock out via y/n:(She is more Pretty,Strong in person!)

Shigaraki:*Looks at me*(She is much more beautiful in person I know that if I  ever get a chance to help her I would gladly do it).

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