The Battle

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The mob succeeds in breaking in, and finds a grand entrance filled with assorted pieces of furniture. They tiptoe in, and the Joker unknowingly picks up Alfred. "Now!!!" He yelled.

A massive battle ensues as all the objects spring into life, attacking their human enemies. Catwoman manages to break away from the fight in search of Emilia. The Joker, Riddler, and Penguin follow her.

"What do you three think you're doing?" Asked Catwoman in an annoyed tone. "We wanna help you kill the beast!" Said the Penguin. "You idiots!!! I specifically said leave the beast to me!" Catwoman said angrily. "Understood, but what if she tries to rip you apart?" Asked the Riddler. "I know how to defend myself, thank you very much!" Said Catwoman with her arms crossed. "In that case, we shall return to the battle." Said the Joker. "Please do. I don't need you imbeciles to slow me down as I kill the beast with my own two hands." Catwoman said.

The other three villains return to the main hall where the battle was still going, and they decided to split up as they stood a better chance getting through the battle that way.

In the Joker's spot, Harriet and six other teacups were standing above him. "Not so fast, you villainous scum! Now!!" Yelled Harriet as she and the other teacups pour hot tea on him.

Where the Riddler's standing, he gets pushed into a wardrobe. And when he gets out, he's wearing a dress over his costume. Not wanting to look like a fool, he immediately takes the dress off and throws it aside.

As for the Penguin, he's trying to smoke out Alfred with his cigar. From behind, Bruce grabs a pair of scissors, slides down the railing, and pokes the Penguin in his rear end.

After Alfred was free from being cornered, he saw another innocent object being tormented by another member of the mob. So he uses his flames to scare away the mob member by burning his behind.

Finally, the invaders are chased out and the objects celebrate their victory. "And stay out!" Yelled Bruce.

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