Rescue & Recover (Dick Grayson) Part 2

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Mnh ... no ... please don't ...

"Stop." I heard myself croak out barely above a whisper. My eyes cracked open, and my head was throbbing. I felt so disorientated and woozy like vertigo had taken a permanent grasp of my vision. For a moment I couldn't remember where I was.

"Scarecrow." I reminded myself. I felt fear take hold of me, and I tried to assess my surroundings the best I could. My vision was blurry and if I didn't know better I would've thought that I was in a hospital. It had to be a hallucination though. I had to get out of here, and who knew what I would see next with the fear toxin coursing through my veins.

I needed to act fast if I wanted to escape.

I attempted to sit up, but it was excruciatingly painful, and the motion made my head swirl even more. I forced myself to bear with it and stay as quiet as I could. I had no intention of alerting anyone that I was conscious. My legs felt extremely tight, but I felt as though I could shuffle around even though I knew my knee caps had been dislocated and possibly fractured.

Slowly I swung my legs off the bed, and leaned on the nearby I.V. stand to use as a crutch.

"Maybe I am in a hospital." I thought to myself while my feet made contact with the cool tile.

The instant I put my weight on my legs I crumbled to the floor, and I fell screaming from the pain of my knees not being able to withstand it. The I.V. ripped out of my wrist and I heard a flat line on a heart monitor.

"(F/N)!" I heard a panicked, yet muffled voice yell.

I had tunnel vision from the pain, but I thought I recognised the voice. However, I was terrified that it was Scarecrow, and I desperately crawled to a space behind the hospital bed leaning against a wall. My lungs constricted in pain, and panic filled me as I began to hyperventilate. The sound of my hyperventilation and my rapid heartbeat consumed my sense of hearing, and my vision was lessening by the second. It's like I was watching the projection of a burning film. I was a wounded animal.

Then I felt someone hold my face between their hands. They forced me to look at them, and I could feel tears falling down my face when I recognized him. It was Dick, he looked tired and terrified. I couldn't tell if he was a hallucination, but right now I don't care. I looked into his crystal blue eyes, and saw the waves of a calming ocean.

His mouth moved, but I couldn't hear him. I kept looking into his eyes, and tried my best to calm my breathing. I leaned my cheek into his hand, and he wiped away some of my tears. I slowly moved to place my own hand on top of his, and the feeling of his warmth comforted me. He felt so real, like he was right there in front of me.

I took deep breaths, and my vision cleared a bit more along with my hearing.

"That's good (F/N). Keep breathing. You're safe now. I'm here." Dick said in a soothing yet worried voice.

I tried to move closer to him, wanting to feel his secure embrace, but it hurt and I whimpered. I squeezed my eyes shut, and I felt Dick move to support me so I wouldn't collapse on the floor.

"Hold on Sweetheart." He reassured me, and he gently positioned me so that he could pick me up. I felt him lift me and I kept my gaze on his worried expression. He laid me down on the bed, and I reached for him as he took a step back. I was afraid he'd leave me and this hallucination would fade away to that cold dark closet.

"Please." I croaked with a sense of fear and urgency for him to stay with me.

"It's okay. I'm not going anywhere." Dick held my hand and smiled, "The doctor's just need to make sure everything's okay."

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