Devastation (Older Damian Wayne) Part 4

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Part 4

It was blurry. Painfully blurry now. I could barely breathe. She had beat me, cut me, and left me to dry. Alfred got free and tried to fight. Poor Alfred. I never wanted anyone to get hurt.

I tried to pull my phone out of my bag, I dialed Damian's number.

"(F/N)?" I heard his voice on the other line. I tried to speak.

"Help." My voice was feeble. "Damian." I heard some more frantic questions from Damian, but Ivy came up to me.

"No, no (F/N). That's a bad girl." She grabbed my phone and then crushed it. I felt hopeless. Would Damian even be able to come help. He's busy with the villians in the center of Gotham.

Alfred was unconscious, but at least he wasn't dead.

"Ivy." I tried to speak, but I ended up choking on blood.

"Don't speak little girl, only scream." She then picked me up by my throat. It hurt, and she threw me back on the hard ground. I screamed and yelled. I hoped someone would hear me and come to my aid. But deep down I sort of knew that they wouldn't come to help. So I took the beating.

Her plants cut me, she bruised me. Broke my arm and a few ribs. I felt like dying. I wanted Damian to swoop in and save me so much. She was just about to break my fingers when I blacked out.

Damian's POV

I heard my phone ring. I kept it on me just in case (F/N) was in trouble since the havoc in Gotham is so scattered.

"(F/N)?" I asked in a rush. I was also trying to fight off some of Joker's goons.

"Help." She sounded so weak. I felt my heart drop. "Damian."

"Wait, (F/N)! Where are you? Please, I'll come help you I just need to know where you are." I yelled for her to answer me, but then I heard a woman's voice, then there was static.

I felt panic fill my body. No, I have to stay calm and focused. That's what Bruce has always taught me, what my Grandfather has taught me. I knocked out a few more goons and swung up into the rafters, dodging bullets. I started to speak into my comm.

"Hey, Batman, something is wrong and I need to go check it out." I spoke in a firm tone.

"No you're needed here." He responded even more firmly.

"This has to do with (F/N)." I spoke more quietly. The was a pause of silence.

"Come on Bats, it's his girlfriend." Dick chimed into the conversation.

"Fine, but as soon as you're done you come right back and help us." Bruce gave in.

"Thank you." As soon as I heard that I rushed over to (F/N)'s apartment. That's the first place I think she would be. If she's hurt I have no idea what I'll do. As soon as I got there I slipped through her window. If there was real trouble I would need to be quiet.

I creep through the apartment, but in the end I found nothing. Where is she? If I don't find her soon. Damn it! I rushed out of the apartment and made my way to the manor.

I'm so stupid, she said she was going there today. I just hope I'm not too late. I rushed to the mansion, and found a path of destruction. When I finally arrived there my heart dropped. There was a huge hole in the front.

"No, no (F/N) you better be okay." I ran in and found the whole foyer destroyed, there were plants everywhere. Ivy.

I found Alfred first. He was just waking up.

"Alfred are you okay? Where's (F/N)?" I asked him frantically. Fear in my voice.

"Mrs. (F/N)." Alfred looked behind me, and I slowly turned around.

There she was. Hung from Ivy's vines above the hole in the house. She was hung like an ornament, both of her arms spread apart, and tied up. Her head hung low. I felt tears escape my eyes. She was red and purple. She was lifeless. She was hurt.

I rushed to grapple up there next to her to cut her down.

"God, what did she do to you (F/N)." My hands skillfully cut her down, and I laid her on the ground. Laying her head on my lap. She had so many broken bones, and bruises. I was worried for her life.

I checked her pulse, and it was faint. Her breathing was shallow.

"Alfred I need to get her to the hospital." I carried her in my arms.

"Go Robin." Alfred started to sit up. "I'll be able to manage for now."

With that I gently placed her in my car. I felt the adrenaline pump through my veins.

"Don't worry (F/N). You'll be fine." I glanced at her beaten form. "You have to be."

I raced to the hospital. There were already enough casualties. I just need her to survive. God, this is all my fault. If she had just never gone to the manor she would be fine. My hands trembled, and I was afraid. There wasn't much I could do to help. I quickly parked in front of the hospital, and carried her inside.

"Please, this woman needs medical attention!" I yelled and everyone looked at me. They were all frantically moving back and forth. "Please." My voice shook.

"Here sir." A woman wheeled a gurney to me, and I set (F/N) on it. I moved to follow her, but another nurse pushed me back once they started to wheel (F/N) into a room. "Sir you can't go in there while the doctors work."

I looked at her distressed,and watched (F/N) disappear behind the doors. I stood there for a second longer. I clenched my fists and started to grind my teeth.

Ivy did this.

I found myself consumed with rage. I stormed out of the hospital, and got in my car.

"I'm going to kill that bitch." Then I was off in my murderous rage.

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