Devastation (Older Damian Wayne) Part 2

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Part 2

Five days. That's how long Ivy gave me to get the Jewels Key. She explained that it was a key that could get pass all of the security systems in Gotham. It's original purpose was for emergency situations only. Now, she's going to use it to wreak havoc.

I got back home with a heavy weight on my shoulders. If I did this people would get hurt, but if I didn't Damian would get hurt. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if he died because of me. I know he's strong and all, but I'm scared. I'm so terrified I can barely think. I'm not some superhero like he is, I can't fight a whole army. Hell, I can't even fight one person. That's not me. It was too much to think about. So, I fell asleep and waited until the next day.

The next day i woke up with the worst migraine. I wasn't feeling too hot. I sat in bed until the sun came up, remembering everything that happened yesterday.

Ivy gave me a dummy phone to contact her with. It was just a flip phone with one phone number save on it. She told me that if I didn't carry this phone with me everywhere I went, that she would know and then punish me in some way.

That made it even more unsettling. She was watching me.

I tried my best to shake off this nasty fear, and took a shower. I had promised Damian that I would meet up with him at the manor, and we would take his dog Titus out for a walk.

It was almost ten in the morning when I left my apartment. The drive to the estate was only ten minutes, so it didn't take long. When I pulled into their lavish driveway, I saw Damian and Titus walk up to my car. I rolled down the window to speak with him.

"Good Morning, Dami." I winked at him, and he smiled.

"Good Morning, Beloved." He opened the back car door, and let Titus in. "I thought that we could take your car instead of my car." He sat in shotgun, and leaned over to give me a kiss.

That kiss felt guilty.

"Why is that Dami?" I questioned him as I started the car and started driving to the park. "You don't think I'm good enough for your expensive car?"

"No, nothing like that. I just think it would be nice to blend in for once." He hurried his answer. "Not that you're boring or anything, in fact you're quiet the opposite, I just-"

"Dami. It's fine. I was just teasing you." I laughed at his flustered state. "What's got you so worked up, this isn't like you."

He let out a breathe, and ran his hands through his hair.

"It's just all the violence in Gotham has been getting worse. I'm worried about you, I worry that I put you in danger." Damian spoke in a genuinely worried tone.

It pulled at my heartstrings, because he's so smart and strong. He's always in danger yet he still thinks he has time to worry about other people. I love him so much.

"Everything is fine Damian. I have faith that you will keep me safe, and that you are helping this city to become a safer place." I grabbed his hand, and gave him a comforting glance. I saw him grin, and he kissed that same hand that he held.

"Thank you (F/N)." Just as Damian said that I pulled into the park.

It was a lovely day. The sun was out, and the park was full of life and laughter. I know Damian said that Gotham was getting worse, but in that moment it was hard to believe. That whole day Damian stayed with me. It helped me because I always felt safe in his presence. I always felt like nothing could touch us. 

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