Painting Parks (Dick Grayson)

756 14 11

Warnings: She/Her pronouns, Fluff

Song Recommendation: Postcards from Far Away by Cold Play

Rain fell over Gotham city. It's cadence keeping time with the distant honks of car horns. I listened to it's gentle sounds, and the birds that sang happily in its presence. I sat under a gazebo in Gotham's most beautiful city park. The gazebo overlooked a lake, and the trees that lined it. Sketchbook in hand, and a letter F graphite pencil. I enjoyed the gentle cool breeze, and the smell of fresh wet dirt.

My hair was loosely tied up, and I was sketching the landscape that sprawled out before me. Every once in a while I would push up my glasses when they slid down my nose. My callus fingers deftly moved among the paper, and I glanced up and down from the lake to my paper.

Right when I was about to start sketching out the clouds I noticed a man jogging towards the gazebo to escape the rain. His dark hair was slick from the rain, and his shirt clung to his body. He stopped under the safety of the gazebo, and bent over placing his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

I didn't pay him too much attention, and continued my sketching. The sounds of his breathing, the rain, and my pencil surrounded me. Out of my periphery I saw him stand up and run his hand through his hair. He smiled, and swiveled his head in my direction.

I remained focused on my drawing.

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?" He asked, jolting me out of my concentration, "Sorry. I didn't mean to spook you."

Without waiting for an answer he sat next to me at a comfortable distance.

"My name's Dick." He smiled at me.

"(F/N)." I responded curtly, and spared him a glance. His dazzling blue eyes reflected like the sunny glittering rain. For a moment I felt entranced by them, and wished to capture that beauty on canvas.

"I've never met a (F/N) before." He responded with jubilee, and I caught those shining sapphires looking at my sketch, "That's gorgeous."

He smiled, and looked up at the lake, and back down at my sketch. I could see him comparing the two, and amazement overtook his expression.

"It's fine." I said quietly. I stretched the sketch out in front of me to try and look at it from a distance to check my value, "It'll look better once I begin to paint it."

"Honestly, I wouldn't mind hanging that sketch alone in my apartment." He said, and ran his hand through his hair again.

There was a silence, and I decided to go back to my sketching. I could feel his eyes watch me, and it made me feel like a performer. Art comes in many different forms, but usually it was a very personal and private process for me. Despite that, I didn't mind an audience this time.

He leaned back in his seat, and I relaxed my tense shoulders. I'd never shared such a comfortable silence with a stranger before, and it actually felt quite magical. The rain continued to fall, and the sun shone through the clouds. For another ten minutes we sat like that until the rain stopped.

"Well, it was wonderful to meet you (F/N), but I must be going now." Dick said as he stood up and smiled.

"Likewise, Dick." I gave him a small smile, and waved him off as he continued to jog the trail. Everyday for the rest of that week I would come to the same gazebo and continue to study the landscape. Oddly enough, everyday I would also see Dick jogging up the trail, and stop to take a breath at the same gazebo. At the same time every morning like clockwork he would jog up, and stop to say hi.

Eventually, I found out that he was none other than the infamously handsome adopted son of Bruce Wayne. I'd only ever heard about the Wayne family in the news, but Dick Grayson seemed much more of a down to Earth person than I had assumed. He's just like any other citizen of Gotham. Albeit a dangerously attractive citizen of Gotham, but normal none-the-less.

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