Devastation (Older Damian Wayne) Final Part

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Final Part

Your POV

I felt numb, and disorientated. Like I knew I had a body, I just couldn't move or feel any of it. The least I could feel was the shallow breaths I took, and the beating of my heart. A constant and rhythmic beating. It was all I heard for a while. Then suddenly there was a small whisper.

"(F/N), thank God."

Who was that? I wanted to open my eyes and see their face, but I couldn't. It's as if they were glued shut.

"Damn it. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry (F/N). If only I had stayed at the manor a bit longer." They sounded so familiar.

I don't think I'll be able to respond to them for a while. I just have a feeling that something is wrong. Like there is a pain that I just can't feel yet. I felt my consciousness slip away, and I couldn't hear anymore whispers.

There was just an unrelenting space of darkness. I lay like that for a while. Occasionally hearing small voices. They always seemed so far away.

Nothing had changed for a while until I felt a hot flash of pain. I felt every inch of my body ache. With that rush of pain I heard what was my own croaky voice. There was light shown in this dark world, and I could see the dim glow from the city lights outside a window. It was still dark, but I could see the moon illuminating the room.

My eyes slowly opened and the first thing I saw was the city outside. It was busy and awake as ever. My body ached and i felt like everything was sore. I suddenly noticed the movement of something. Or rather someone.

I looked down to my right side and saw him lying there. He was sitting in a chair at my bedside. Slumped over and resting his head at my side. His hand loosely gripping my own. I smiled and felt calm. Watching him peacefully sleep next to me. I felt bad that he was sleeping in such an uncomfortable position.

I didn't want to wake him, and didn't think I even could if I had wanted to. I was speechless, and motionless. The only thing I could do for now was observe. Observe the peacefulness of the moment. Listen to the cars rushing and honking in the distance. A slight drizzle filed the air.

I watched my IV drip, and the beeping of my heart monitor was steady. The other patients inside the hospital were asleep and calm. Taking a moment to not worry about what they're here for.

Then there was the steady rise and fall of Damian's strong back. His mouth was slightly open, rhythmic puffs of air going in and out from between his lips. His eyelashes were so long and beautiful. His black locks tousled about. He was wearing casual clothing, and I wanted to run my fingers through his hair so bad.

After my moments of peace I remembered how I got here. I was attacked by Ivy. I had betrayed both her and Damian. I destroyed a very important key. I even made my friends worry because I got hurt.

I looked at the bandages I had, the different wires and tubes hooked up to my arms.

I noticed my breathing pick up. I felt the sting in my eyes like I wanted to cry. I felt horrible, not only in my lungs but in my heart. I had hurt so many people.

As my breathing accelerated my heart monitor started to beep faster. The noise roused Damian from his rest. He sat up rather quickly, and he held my hand tighter.

Our eyes met and he smiled with misty eyes.

"Beloved. You're going to be okay." He spoke in a deep raspy yet comforting tone. He caressed my face with his warm hand, and I felt myself calm down. Tears rolling down my cheeks, him wiping them away just as soon as they came. "Are you in pain? I'll go get the nurse." He was about to stand up and leave.

"No." My voice sounded horrible, and Damian smiled at me taking my hand again and kissing it on the top.

"Alright, but at least let me press the button to tell them to come in." He chuckled and reached for the call nurse button. Pressing it then turning back to me. "How are you feeling?"

"Thirsty." I smiled, but I felt really gross. I felt really bad but Damian had worried about me enough.

I ended up talking to him for a while after the nurse came in to help. He gave me a glass of water, but told me to drink it slowly. After that Damian and I talked for the rest of the night. Until the sun started to rise.

"Why didn't you tell me, (F/N)?" He spoke in a calm tone. "I'm not mad at you, not too much, I just don't know why you didn't trust me." He looked sad.

"It's not that I didn't trust you Damian, I was just scared. I didn't want you or anyone else to get hurt." I rubbed his hand with my thumb. "But look how good I did that, So many people are hurt, and Alfred even got mixed up in all this." I felt a tear slip down my cheek.

"No more tears beloved. Everything will be fine. More issues will arise but we can deal with them together." He wiped away my tear and I snuggled into his touch.

"Thank you." He kissed my forehead, and we relished in each others company.

Damian fed me breakfast in the morning, and later on in the day the rest of the guys came to say hi.

"It's about time you woke up loser." Jason grinned at me as he spoke.

"I couldn't help that I was in a medically induced coma, Jason." I snarkily replied.

"He's just glad your getting better." Dick knocked Jason in the head. "We all are."

"Yeah, but especially Damian over here. It's like he reverted to a child again. He was being such a brat. We had to force him to take a shower." Tim said with his arm crossed.

"Shut up Drake." Damian tried to sound angry but his smile betrayed him. He was just so happy that I was awake.

"It's definitely good to see you getting better Mrs. (F/N)." Alfred walked in with Bruce.

"Alfred, how are you?" I asked

"Getting better, I had a mild concussion, but nothing I can't handle. I shouldn't be a butler if I'm not worth my salt." He smiled.

"Alfred, you know you're more than a butler. You're family." Bruce spoke aloud. "You too (F/N). You're apart of this family too. We're glad that you're here too."

It was in moments like these that I realized how grateful I am to have these people in my life. I would eventually go to therapy, and work through the trauma I had gone through. Damian and the others all agreed that I needed some form of self defense training when my health was improved enough. Even though things seemed impossible for a moment. I have a feeling that we're going to be just fine. 

Oliver- hey there.

I had so much fun writing this short story. If you have any requests don't be shy, just comment or message me and I'll consider it. I really hope you enjoyed this story and I can't wait to write the next one. Have a wonderful day. 

  Don't forget to vote🌟 and till next time.

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