Devastation (Older Damian Wayne) Part 5

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Part 5

Damian's POV

I was driving like a mad man. The wheels of my car squealed and slid on the new rain that was falling. It pummeled the windshield of my car, but I was in a blind rage. I was running on raw emotion, like an animal ready for the kill.

Seeing (F/N) like that. It was too much. She didn't deserve any of that. She wasn't even doing anything wrong! For fucks sake.

I was driving almost 120 mph. Every other car was honking angrily at me. They cursed me, and I just kept speeding on by. I wasn't even sure where Ivy was. I just felt like I needed to do something. Anything to avenge the pain and torture (F/N) had to endure. Damn it! If only I had tried to find her before we moved out. Maybe then, none of this would have happened.

"Hey Bruce." I talked into my comm, still speeding through the streets of Gotham.

"What's wrong." His unwavering voice came back seconds later.

"It's (F/N)." There was a pause. "She was attacked by Ivy."

There was a longer pause before Jason broke the silence.

"Is she okay?" He tried to sound unwavering like Bruce, but he wasn't as good at it. He was worried, just as much as the others I'm sure.

"I don't know, She's in the emergency room right now. She looked horrible." My voice quaked a little. Then I remembered who did this to her. "I'm going to find Ivy right now." I grit my teeth together, gripping the steering wheel even tighter.

"Damian, I'm not sure that's a good idea." I heard Tim chime in.

"What do you mean?" I tried to sound level headed. Veins popping out of my neck. I accelerated the car to 130 mph.

"I mean, what if you kill Ivy, or worse you can't focus in your rage and get yourself killed." As Tim was speaking I heard a commotion over the comm. Like he was fighting someone at the same time.

"Tim, you didn't see how bad (F/N) was! I have to find Ivy and stop her from causing anymore harm!" I tried to reason with them, but they knew my real intent. I was going to murder her, but before that I was going to torture her in ways worse than the ways she harmed (F/N).

Tim tried to speak through his comm, but was cut off by his fight. Just barely I could hear what was going on. It was Ivy. He was fighting Ivy.

"Tim! Where are you?!" I quickly asked through my comm.

"No, Damian I know what you're thinking." He sounded out of breath.

"I'm sorry, but you can't stop me." I then turned off my comm, and pinpointed Tim's location through his tracker.

I started to drive faster, and faster. The world was a blur around me. The rain was falling so hard, and the sound drowned out anything else. All I saw was the red light where Tim was located, it's light illuminated my face. My brows furrowed,and my head started to pound. I felt my blood pressure rising slowly. My movement erratic, and the slick road making my car slide even more. I wasn't worried about other people or about my own safety. The one person I promised to protect was near death. She might die.

My heart dropped, and tears slid down my face. I need to be with her. I can't waste time trying to kill Ivy, and then find out that (F/N) died alone. Alone and in pain.

I turned my comm back on.

"-ou can't come here Damian! Do you hear me?!" I heard Tim yell.

"Will you be fine by yourself?" My voice was quieter.

"Of course Damian. Go stay with (F/N). We'll be fine." After hearing those words I halted my car to a stop. Skidding on the wet pavement. The cars behind me angrily honking. I made a U-turn and booked it back to the hospital.

I couldn't breathe the whole drive back.

When I finally got there I noticed the increase in injured patients. I walked up to a nurse, and asked her were (F/N) was.

"Excuse me I brought a woman her just a bit ago. Do you know where she is, o-or how she's doing? Is she going to be okay." I leaned over the counter trying to urge her on.

"Yes, I remember you spandex. She's in surgery right now, but you can take a seat right through here for now." the woman lead me through a pair of double doors to a smaller more intimate waiting room for family and friends who had loved ones in surgery.

I sat down with nausea in the pit of my stomach. I gripped my gloved hands together, and tried to not cry. There were three other people in the waiting room with me. They all gawked at me for a bit. After all, I was still in my costume.

I hope she's okay. She has to be okay. If she isn't I don't know what I'll do with myself. I need to be in there.

I started tapping my feet on the tile.

Maybe this was a mistake. What if they need my help out there. I mean it's almost more torturous just waiting here and doing nothing. I feel so powerless.

I rested my forehead on my clenched fists. It almost looked like I was praying. The thought did cross my mind. I was so worried, and then I heard a woman's voice.

"What's on your mind son." It was one of the three other people in the waiting room. I quickly looked up, and they all were looking at me with curiosity. The woman noticed my silence. "Our son is in there right now too." She pointed to one of the double doors furthest to the right. "He got caught up in all of this violence tonight."

I noticed that her eyes were red and puffy. She held her hand to her mouth as she gazed at the doors.

"I'm so sorry." My voice was croaky and full of emotion. That kind of rawness scared me. Especially in front of strangers.

"Thank You." She replied and turned back to me. Her presumably, husband gripped her hand. "I'm sorry for you too."

"Sorry for what?" I questioned.

"Well, you're here for a reason aren't you? You must have someone in there right now." I heard the thunder outside as she spoke.

"I do." I spoke in a quiet tone, and the woman looked at my tapping foot. I noticed and stopped.

"You don't have to stop. If it makes you more distracted to tap your boot go ahead. We all have strange ways of coping with stress." The rest of the time was silent besides my foot tapping. My head filled with fear for a while. Three hours passed before five doctors walked out of the set of doors farthest to the right. The three family members stood up, and the doctors spoke to them.

The mother smiled and cried tears of joy. I was glad for them, but that didn't quell the fear I still had inside me. I stared at the other set of doors. Hoping someone would come out and tell me good news as well. I was lost in thought when someone touched my shoulder.

"Don't worry young man." It was the mother. "Whoever you're worried about will be just fine. I'm sure of it. Because whoever has Robin worrying about them, must be a strong individual." She smiled, and gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"Thank you." My voice was quiet.

Then her and her family walked through the right set of doors to see their loved one.

(F/N) you better be okay.

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