Come Back to Me (Bruce Wayne)

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Warnings: She/Her pronouns, Angst, death, not very romantic

I felt warm, and comfortable. Content in my surroundings. The light of morning filtered in through the drapes, and the heavy duvet shifted slightly as Bruce held my waist a bit tighter.

"Good morning." His voice deep with sleep stirred me from my slumber.

"No, not yet." I pushed myself further in the covers and pillows. Not wanting to accept that I had to get up yet. Bruce slowly and lazily trailed kisses up my neck to my ear. It tickled, and made me turn to face him. Our foreheads pressed against each other, I closed my eyes once more and sighed in compliance.

"Damian's probably being a hassle to Alfred right about now, we should check up on him." Bruce held me close and mumbled while stroking my hair. He started to move out from under the covers. I felt the painful absence of his warmth when he stood up. The bed shifting dramatically from the lack of his weight.

"Come back to me." I mumbled while staring at his bare, toned and scarred back. He slipped on a black shirt, and turned back to me. The morning rays creating an angelic glow all around him. His messy hair prominent now as he stood up.

"(F/N) I have to start the day at some point." He smiled and walked back over to the bedside. Leaning over and kissing my forehead. My heart filled with glee and I felt myself slowly drift back into slumber. "I'll have Alfred come wake you up."

My vision faded and I felt my body relax, falling back into a deep slumber.

It was dark and I felt like I was floating in space, but enjoying the moment. It was peaceful until I felt someone shake my body, and a drop of water resounded through the hollow grounds. Joining the much larger body of water. Because you only see a drop of water when it's falling.

I jolted awake to see Alfred's face. He looked slightly panicked. I sat up with a start, worry creasing my brows.

"It's Master Damian." He spoke, and I could already feel tears prick at my eyes. "He's gone missing."

After that I crumpled into Alfred's arms, knowing instantly that Bruce was out there looking for him. I was worried for both of them. It could be anyone. The Joker, Penguin, Poison Ivy, I've heard stories of them. I've seen the scars they've left on our boys, on Bruce. I took medication so that I didn't die of worry, but medication never fixes everything. It dulls the anxiety, and pushes back the depression. It never wiped it clean. Alfred made me tea, and I sat in our living room. Trying my best not to let it get to me too much.

They always come back, they have too. Gotham needs them too much, I need them too much. Then my thoughts go back to that time. That horrid time. When Jason didn't come back. We all mourned, Bruce taking it the hardest, believing it was his fault. Despite how things are now there is no denying that that time was beyond just difficult.

I sipped at my tea, and held back tears. Just trying to imagine both of them walking through the doorway and reassuring me that they were okay. I had sat in that chair so long that I had fallen asleep, and it was due past my normal time of retiring to my bed. I was just so worried. Alfred had draped a blanket over me, and my neck felt stiff afterwards.

I awoke to Bruce shaking my shoulder, I jerked up to look at him. Hope swelling in my chest. One look in his eyes, and I knew. And I wept. This went on for days, weeks even. Bruce going out, searching and finding nothing. Damian was lost, and we had no idea where or why.

There was no surveillance footage of him at all. His tracker was turned off. He wouldn't respond to the comm or even his phone. I called him and only got his voice message. Even when Tim, Jason, and Dick joined the search he couldn't be found. It made everyone drag on. Making it harder to move on because no one wanted to move on. Crime got worse, and it put strain on Buce and I's marriage. Who knew Damian's presence could have such an impact on us.

I sat in the garden staring at the severed shrubs that Damian had cut down. They're still going back even to this day. I tried to pretend that he was still here, sometimes I even had hallucinations. I would see him turn a corner in the manor, and I would run after him only to be met with another empty room or hallway. It's like he was a ghost and he haunted me. I had shut myself in for a while, believing that he would come home to us on his own.

Then at some point I couldn't stand being in the manor. I always asked Bruce or someone if they wanted to go out for food or anything. I felt that I would see him pass by in the crowd and reunite him with our family. There where even times when I stopped complete strangers to see if they were Damian. A child with short black hair, or someone that was his height.

"Bruce, would you like to go out with me?" I grabbed my purse as I spoke. "I'm going to this small restaurant with some live music called "Amlo""

"Of course (F/N)." He smiled, but I could see his exhaustion and worry. He had become a bit more protective over me, believing that some group or organization was now targeting our family. Tim and Jason where the most level headed about it all. Both searching and studying to see if there was any trace of Damian in neighboring cities. Dick stayed in Gotham for a bit, but eventually had to return to Bludhaven. Leaving just Alfred, Bruce and I. Leaving a silence in the manor that could only be replaced with Damian's incessant nagging or witty remarks. It left me a bit more hollow than before.

Bruce and I had arrived at the restaurant, and eaten. Neither of us having much appetite for conversation. Knowing that it would most likely result in an argument. Debating whether we should move on or not. It's already been half a year since the night he went missing. Our little Damian. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and I sat down my fork on the plate.

"I'm ready to leave." My voice was timid and Bruce just nodded, and paid the check.

I was starting my way out of the door, when something caught my eye. A shadow of a boy in green and yellow. I gasped and instantly started to sprint towards him. I heard Bruce call out my name.

"(F/N)!" His footsteps quickly following behind me. I keep my eyes trained on the frame of the boy, picking out his yellow cape in the crowd.

"Damian!" I shriek, causing heads to turn.

Tears running down my cheeks, and my fast steps stumbling every now and again. I push past people, and watch as he turns the corner into an alley. Bruce's steps fading out of my mind. I turn the corner and start running down the alley.

"Damian! Come back to me!" The instant I scream and round that corner I see him there.

His vibrant eyes looking at me. I start to run to him, but he stops me. He backs away further each time I take a step towards him.

"Damian, please." I sound weak, just wanting to hold him close to me. Tell him everything is alright, and have the manor feel like home again. Tears still falling down my face.

"Mother." He sounds monotone, looking into my eyes. "I'm already gone." He backs into the shadows, and disappears. I try to run to him, but am met with a brick wall. I turn around to see Bruce staring at me.

"What?" I ask with fear. I can see the look he gives me. Pity and sadness. He's given up on me. He doesn't believe me. He doesn't love me anymore.

I back away, and trip falling to the ground and past that. I'm met with darkness, and the overwhelming fear of falling. The adrenaline coursing through me. I weep and fall.

Then I open my eyes. I truly open my eyes. Seeing the wreckage around me. My knees sting and bleed from the rubble beneath me. Metal stone and glass all around me. The wreckage is not new. It's old and crumbling even more. I'm gripping a family photo in my hands. Bruce, Alfred, all the boys and I are standing and smiling. Damian is stoic as ever.

I feel my heart break, and I look back at the ruins of the Wayne manor. I feel hurt tear at me again.

"Come back to me!" I screech and crumple in the ruins of our home. The ruins of our marriage. The ruins of our family.

Oliver- This is sort of a short one, and it's super angsty, but honestly I haven't had much time for anything. This is my first real day off in a long long time. I'm getting super burnt out on working and school already. I have been diagnosed with senioritis already ugh.

Posted: June 05, 2019

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