Night Life (Jason Todd)

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Warnings: They/Them pronouns, violence, suggestive themes, swearing, angst

Jason's apartment's alright. It's not too small or crowded, but it definitely isn't a homey place. The only part of it that made it home was Jason. It was actually a pretty empty place. Jason had always kept his personal belongings to a minimum, due to the fact that he was constantly moving around. At most we have a TV, a bed and a couch. More often than not, only leftovers could be found within the old fridge that came with the place. We don't live too far from downtown Gotham, so most places delivered to us. Other than the delivery services, I'd still have to walk quite a bit to get to anything worth going to.

So, here I am, stuck in this dumpy apartment alone, with no idea when Jason will come home. It was already nearing ten at night. I had originally intended to spend my day off with Jason at my side. But he received another mysterious phone call and promptly left without another word. Leaving me here to wonder, and worry. It's not even worth it to try and do anything on my phone because the wifi at this apartment complex is absolutely horrible. We don't even have any good television channels because Jason doesn't want to pay for a dish or cable, so all we have is an antenna that doesn't come in half the time.

"Fuck Jason, what could you possibly be doing at this hour?" I try my best to trust him, and not worry. I roll my head back and sigh in boredom. Lazily staring out the window to my right. A large billboard lit up advertising a new night club called 'The Boney Dog'. Even a cringey horrible club like that would be more fun than just sitting here.

A jingle of keys breaks the silence among the television static. My head jerks in the direction of the door, and surely enough there he is. Mother Fucking Jason Todd.

"Wow, didn't think you'd be coming home tonight." I didn't move from my spot, and continued to look at him disapprovingly.

"Sorry, it was really important." He gruffed out and flopped onto the couch next to me.

"I would understand if you just told me what your doing every time you leave." I crossed my arms ready to take any lame excuse he comes up with. He gives me a side eye with those tired blue eyes. Slicking his hair back, he exhales and prepares his matrimony of words.

"My brother Dick asks for a lot of my help, he's a pretty soft guy and he's always getting his heart broken. I'm not much for emotional support, but he always fucking calls me to help him. He thinks just because I'm living in Gotham right now that he can use me as his personal counselor." He huffs, and grabs the remote to turn off the television.

I almost would have believed him if it weren't for that little huff at the end, he tends to do that when he lies. I let his lie pass. He knows I don't believe him, but doesn't try to prod me. Turning my attention to something else like he wants me to. I glance back at the billboard and an idea sparks in my mind.

"Hey, Jason." I inch closer to him, trying to entice him to hold me.

"Yeah?" He looks down at me, and moves so I can lay against his side, as he wraps an arm around me.

"Since you were out helping your dear brother, why don't we do something I want to do?" I look at him, and notice the lustful glint in his eye. I know what he's thinking, and he's so easy to play on.

"What's that?" He sets down the remote, and gives me his full attention.

"Why don't you look out the window." I push his head to turn to the window.

"I don't get it." He says.

"You see that billboard?"


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