Chapter 9 : Operation: Cupid Love

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At the Chaotix Team that's where the office room is

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At the Chaotix Team that's where the office room is. Anastasia, Sliver and Chaotic Abel to plan their parents back together.

"Alright so what's a plan here? Being in love is like Cupid when the two arrow shoots a boy and girl. They will fall in love." Vector suggests his plan but Anastasia raised her hand.

"Yes, What is Anastasia?"

"Vector what is the cupid?" Anastasia said she doesn't mean being cupid. Then Vector explained the meaning. "A cupid is a figure that represents Cupid as a naked usually winged boy often holding a bow and arrow."

"Oh but who is gonna cupid?" Anastasia asked Vector for a second question.

Vector stares at his friends, Sliver and Anastasia then Vector points his finger at bumblebee. Then the bumblebee looked at each other and smirked and he pointed himself.


"Yes Charmy, because you are such a small and perfect person to be cupid." Vector said to Charmy then he ran away. Sliver summons his power telekinesis catch with Charmy winced.


Vector grabbed the cupid stuff then after smoothing out the sheets he draped over the finished frame.

"What on Mobius would we need that stuff for?" Espio asked.

"To make it believable!" He yelled and pushed us into a nearby costume store. We were all wearing hats that looked like they wrapped up scarfs.

"I feel ridiculous." Espio grumbled trying to hide behind Vector.

"I agree with Espio but you guys this is ridiculous!" Anastasia said to Choatix team and Sliver.

"Why am I dressed up as Cupid and have to wear a diaper!" Charmy cried.

"Because, that's how well our advertisement is out! All you have to do is archery arrows Amy and Shadow; even though he'll most likely throw it away we have to try! Now go Charmy!!" Vector he up in the air.

"Oh no I forgot!" Anastasia said herself tapped Vector's shoulders. "Yes Anastasia."

"If Charmy is gonna arrow Shadow he is angry." Anastasia said to Vector but Sliver being akawardly faced.

"Don't worry about Nasatasia. If Charmy arrow with Shadow he doesn't know."


Then they heard male hedgehog shouted in pain. Then Anastasia knew it. "I told you."

"Maybe Nasatasia is right my plan is not gonna work come guys!" Vector said running the road team Choatix, Sliver and Anastasia followed Vector she replied.

"Hey Don't call me Nasatasia!" Anastasia said madly to the Vector. She stopped running and she saw two people killing the Husband and wife. Anastasia is a hidden sneak seeing up to the one man brought the knife said.

"Now give me the Crown and jewelry."

"No! Those Crown and Jewelry are in the laws. So leave us alone!"

"Never!" The second man grabbed the Queen's crown he stole and ran away. She screaming. "M-MY Crown someone stole my Crown!"

"Well I better help them!" Anastasia said she summoned power teleports to go two men where but it is known here. Then the two men stopped seeing Pink hedgehogs.

"H-H-HEY Who are you!" The first man asked and Anastasia said the two men. "Well you should steal the Crown now are you gonna keep that Crown or I will take it by force."


Anastasia closes and opens her eyes and begins to teleport. Then two men are confused to see where she is.

"Where is she?" The one man asked but the second man replied. "I forget that we don't have much time."

"CHAOS SPEAR!" Anastasia summoned her power then the two men hit. Then she tied two men off the rope. Anastasia grabbed the crown and chuckled. "I take that."

"Thank you." After Anastasia said she quickly heard footsteps. Then the King said thank you to her. "Thank you you have no idea."

She turned around to give it a crown and reveal those two people. "Well you welcome it for nothing I think this belongs to you..."

Anastasia was shocked it looked like the King is a hedgehog color red then Queen is a hedgehog to color light pink just like Amy.

"Grandpa, Grandma..."

"Excuse me miss are you Okay." The Queen asked then she snapped it. "Yeah, I'm okay and here is your Crown." Anastasia gives the Crown to the Queen.

"Thank you Sweetie."

Anastasia bow down said. "You welcome your majesty. But what's your name."

"I'm King James the hedgehog and this is my wife Queen Ailinda Rosetta."

"Nice to meet you your majesty I'm Princess- I mean I'm Anastasia the hedgehog it is a pleasure to meet you." Anastasia said bow down and look at her mother's face. Then Ailinda smiled at her and replied . "It's nice to see you. Um Anastasia why won't you come to the castle tomorrow I think you are the hero and give me a crown let's say by tomorrow."

"Okay thank you your majesty oh and I tied rope two of man. I have to go." Anastasia bowed down and waved the majesty saying goodbye.

Then King and Queen saw the two men were rope tied. Anastasia ran then she saw Shadow was angry and Choatix and Sliver were able to calm down to him.


Sliver turns around sister worries. "Anastasia where have you been."

"I will explain later but what happened to Shadow did he get angry." Anastasia questions her brother and says. "I'm not sure about Anastasia. But Choatix is something to go with. That's it"

Anastasia, with Shadow said. "Shadow, are you alright?"

"Yeah, but someone shot me at my back. Who's responsible!" Shadow stares at everyone but gone at Anastasia and Sliver looked at each other. Then Shadow knew it was her.

"It was you!" Shadow fiery glare at Anastasia was innocent replied. "What, I didnt do it!"

"Oh yeah! I know your power is that Chaos Spear isn't it!"

"Shadow there's no way my sister will hit the chaos spear." Sliver defended his sister then Shadow replied. "Oh yes you do."

Sliver sees Shadow's back hit the chaos spear bruise. He was shocked and whispered at Anastasia.

"Did you hurt Shadow."

"No I didn't."

Anastasia was an expression seeing Shadow was being angry he walked away and whispered to her.


Anastasia was shocked Shadow said and her one tears fell down her cheek.

"Did he called me 'brat'."

Sliver top her shoulders said. "Don't worry Ana, come on let's go home."

He walked then Anastasia saw Shadow walked away. Then she followed her brother to Amy's house.

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