Chapter 7: What do you want Jared?

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I am still very sore from the blows I received from Alyssa even though it has been three days. My cut was still gross looking and seems to be taking for ever to heal. My bruises were turning a yellow-purple color, which means that they were going away. Jared never came to talk to me, honestly he pretty much avoided me and has been coming home drunk. He is very noisy and reeks of alcohol when he pass my room on those occasions of him coming home in that state. It's irritating. 

James walks up to my car when I pull my key out of the ignition, lightly taping on my window. He has a huge grin on his face. I smile up at him, sling my backpack over my shoulder and open the car door. James immediately wraps his arm over my shoulder and we start to walk to first period. Since that day in my room where they were arguing about how James never is there for me, James seems to have made it his goal to not leave my side and prove Jared wrong. Which made me feel like I was being used to prove a point. 

"So would like to come with me on Friday?" James stops and looks at me. 

"Uh, sorry what? I kinda zoned out." He looks a little hurt that I wasn't listening but quickly hides it.

"I was asking you out to homecoming. It's this Friday." He looks hopeful even though he knows the answer to my question.

"Nope." I say with a monotone voice. He looks shocked because he wasn't expecting a no. I laugh.

"Of course I will dummy. I was just joking with you." I saw, laughing. His eyes narrow.

"Oh, I see." Then his face had a dangerous expression on it. He seemed angry. He takes his arm off my shoulder turning to me.

"Oh come on James it was just a joke..." He lurches to me, only to take advantage at my delayed reaction and tickles me on my sides. My weakness. I was soon out of breath after laughing so hard and begging him to stop.

"I will tease you again, just stop!" I squeal. He holds his hand out. I take it.

"Deal." He says. When he lets go I have a huge grin on my face.

"What?" He asks, a smile on his face as well.

"I crossed my figures!" I exclaim, and turn and run from him as fast as I can so I wouldn't get tickled again. I slam into something hard. I pull back to see Jared smirking at me. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer.

"Are you going to say sorry for running into me or just stand there checking me out?" He asks. I mutter a sorry looking down at the ground. I pull myself away from him. James who had seen everything was out of breath from chasing me and fuming because of who he found me with. Jared's amused expression was setting off James.

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