Chapter 11: What did we do...

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 Authors note: okay so telling you guys to run with scissors wasn’t the greatest advice *shrugs*....

Oh and thank you to @Csings for giving me a good...*cough* hot *cough*... actor to play James. Burkley Duffield is mhhhhmmmm! LoL :))

Jared pov

What did we just do? I snap my head back. Ari's expression displayed exactly how I felt. Confused, torn and wanting more though kissing her is wrong. She's a freaking nerd, good girl, and definitely not my type. She looks down blushing. Sh*t, she may think I like her.

"I.... I gotta go..." I stutter, getting up and getting the hell out of that room. Why did I just kiss her! I slam my door behind me. I'm going to end up hurting her and that is the last thing I wanted to do. I slam my fist on my desk, and knock over the chair. What the hell am I gonna do! I grab a bottle of beer from the hidden fridge of alcohol in my closet. I take a swig. I walk back and forth in my room and after a few more bottles, I knock out.


When I wake up in the morning my head is pounding.

"Ahhh" I moaned out loud. I grab my alarm clock. I had five minutes till school started but I was in no hurry.  I stumbled to my closet, changing out of the clothes I wore yesterday into a fresh new outfit. I sprayed on some axe, checked out myself in my mirror and went to go brush my teeth. I wasn't worried about any awkward situations with Ari because I knew she would be at school. Once I was down I head down stairs to the kitchen table. I grab my car keys off the table, a monster from the fridge, and walked out the door. I pull into the parking lot, which was deserted because class started half an hour ago. I had the same first period as Ari, and there was really no way I could avoid her in that class. We sat right next to each other. I don't bother getting a tardy pass and walk straight to my first period. When I open the door I find myself looking for the person I was avoiding. There she sat, not even looking up when I opened the door or when I sat down next to her. I stared at her, and I knew she knew I was looking at her, yet she still didn't make eye contact. Did I already hurt her? Mr. Burnside, who was annoyed by my interruption of the class continued his lecture. 

“Open your books to page one hundred and seven and follow along. The velocity of an object is defined as the change in displacement with the change in time” I open my textbook and fake that I am paying attention to the lesson. I was more focused on Ari.

“Really?” She whispers to me, pointing to the textbook. She saw through my act and smiled. I found myself smiling at this too.

“The speed of an object is defined as the distance travelled divided by the time period.” Mr. Burnside continued, completely unaware that neither of us where paying no attention to his lecture at all.

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