Chapter 14: Can things get any worse?

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Authors note: I bet you guys hate me now don't you? I know I haven't updated in like weeks and that's awful but I have been busy preparing for end of course exams and a few other things so hopefully you guys continue to support me as I continue to try to update consistently, though sometimes it doesn't work out that way. This is going to be a short chapter sorry!

Anyways enjoy the chapter, I think I have put you guys in through enough suspense!

Love always,

Bucsfan9737 :)


James breathes heavily down my neck as he continues to tear at my shirt. I scream, tears running down my face, wishing that one of these drunk idiots would save me. I was going to be raped. I looked around trying to find anything that I could use for defense. I remember my dad telling me if I was every in this situation that I needed to aim low and go for the blow. I pull my knee back as far as I could and bring it forward, James groans in pain, dropping to his knees as I try to run. James quickly regains his strength taking advantage of the few moments I took deciding He grabs my ankle, making me lose my balance and face plant onto the ground. My hand was searing in pain because of it breaking my fall. It was definitely broken. James takes advantage of this and flips me over onto my back. He gets on top of me and pulls back his fist. Tears escaped my eyes.

"Please stop James...!" I whimpered.

"Ari, if you act like a slut bad things happen to you." He snaps his arm forward. I close my eyes, trying to block out the pain of his repeated blows. Suddenly the pain stops and I feel James pull me of the ground, slamming against the house. I slightly down, losing consciousness. The last thing I see is him running away.


I wake up to feeling of something crawling on my arm. I scream, brushing a Roach off my arm. I moan as my hands pain became intense. I try to get a sense of my surroundings. I was still at the party or at least where the party was at. I struggle to stand up making sure I don't hurt my hand in the meanwhile. Ravens car was gone but no shocker there. She must've figured that I got a ride with someone else. I pull my phone out of my back pocket to try and call her for a ride to my house. I wince in pain. I was sore from everywhere he hit me. When I press the unlock button the screen stays black. I try the power button just in case if I turned it off. It was still blank so that means its dead. I sigh. Just my luck.

I walk to the driveway and decide that I should just walk home. It was only a fifteen minute walk. I could deal.


When I reach the house, it felt like it had been hours. I had limped all the way here. I didn't see Jared's car in the driveway so I figured he was our celebrating the rest of this weekend. Afraid that I was locked out of my house, I jingle the handle. To my surprise it was open. I limp to the kitchen to grab some gauze pads and pain pills for the wounds James gave me. When I walk in I see the fridge door open and Jared's butt as he leaned over getting food from the overstuffed fridge.

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