Leave me alone! (Megumi)

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You turned the corner as you tried to escape your now ex boyfriend. He was an amazing lover but his possessive level sky rocketed over the months. 

It got so bad that he taped your phone and hacked into all of your social accounts. 

His reason was that he would be able to protect you. "Like what protecting do I need to have? We're both fucking sorcerers. If you wanted my shit you could have just asked for it."

Megumi gripped your shoulder as you walked away said evening. "Y/n.. where are you going?"

"Away. From. You." You yanked your shoulder away from his hold and made your way to Yuji's so you can vent to him.

"Come back here, y/n." 

"Leave me alone Megumi!" 

You ran top speed trying to get lost from him. Tears rolled down your cheaks because he had physically abused you two minuets prior.

It's not the first time this happened to you. You dont like fighting him because of the strength levels that you were both so far apart.

His abilities were far more advanced that you.

Most times when you returned to his dorm, for some unthinkable reason, just to have him spit faults accusations in your face.

"I'm not going to have this conversation with you again Megumi." 

Those were the words you always said as you lay on his bed with your phone. 

He'd always start fighting with you. Most times when you stood up you would get a slap to the cheak or a slap to the ass.

You'd allow the ass slapping but not the cheak.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I've never fucking cheated on you, I've never done anything behind your back. anytime I have missions I tell you. Half of the time you dont even let me know you have one. It's like if I'm nothing to you anymore!"

You screamed at him as you walked out of his room with your stuff, going back to your own. 

He was fallowing you, so you speed walked to your room opened the door and dropped your stuff on the bed. 

Going back out to lock the door, and was met with Megumi looking at you in a way that, if it could, it could kill.

"Leave me alone Megumi." "Who told you that you could just get your shit and leave?" "I fucking did. Do you have a problem?" 

You pushed pass him and made your way to Nobara. "I bet your going by some fucking boy again!" 

"Hell, at least that 'boy' acts more mature than your fucking ass." "What the fuck did you say to me?" "Kiss my ass Megumi."

Megumi grabbed your arm and yanked you towards him. "I do kiss that fucking ass. And I could do it again and again."

You pulled your arm away from him and walked away. "Your very immature..."

"Y/n-" "Leave me alone!"

You turn around and punched him, using curse energy, in his nose, braking it. With the power behind the punch caused him to fall back 3 feet from you.

That gave you enough time to fun to the other end of the dorm house to get to Nobara' s room.

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