Just Come home (Yaga x daughter y/n)

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Dad is almost never home. But when ever he is, he's always in bandages. I have known him to be like this for most of my life. 

When I was younger he would come home every night, but as I'm older and I can take 'care' of myself. Now, he comes home like once a week. And I get so angry with him.

I love my dad. Don't get me wrong. But I don't like that he never spends time with me. 

He brings homes stuffed toys that he clamed he hand made, but I'm 16. I want to be able to go partying and skinny dipping.

But I'm way to young for that stuff. If I even lift a finger to ask dad if I can go to a party he'd turn me down.

He's some rich principal of a boarding school and won't fucking allow me to go parties or at least live on campus so I can be nearer to him. 

He just leaves me cooped up in this shitty house. That's just the icing on the damn cake.

The real cake is way worst.

I am grateful that he is never home but I'm also worried about his ass. 

When ever I try calling him, he'd either answer and tell me he's busy, or hang up on me.

I never get to talk with him anymore. It hurts me but I think that he forgets sometimes that he has a daughter.

I lay on my bed reading some manga that I bought, using dad's money.

It was about 5 in the morning and I couldn't sleep for the whole night because....  

Well I aint got nothing to do the next day so might as well.

Then my phone rang.

I answered it, not caring who it was.

"Y/n-Chan! How are you?" - "I'm doing just fine Gojo. Same way I am every day. Bored as fuck." - "Well would you like to come to school?" - "What? Can I?"

Gojo was a teacher at the school that dad's in charge of. He was also kind of my best friend, although he's older than me. 

He's the only one that was actually been to my house. Wither it was to being me supplies, or cheack up on my dad, when ever he was home.

Now was a time I have died to actually see, where my father spent his time. The Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School. I was excited to actually be able to visit. 

"Yea you can. Get ready by 7. I'll come pick you up." -"Ok Gojo, I'll go get ready now."

I hanged up the call and bookmarked my manga before getting off the bed.

"I'm going to see dad today!!"

I got my little things ready and went to take a warm shower.

When I got out, I got dressed and did some light makeup. Nothing to big.

I wore my favorite pair of jeans and a dark blue, V-neck, t-shirt. I shined up myself up with a little necklace and earrings that I had. I placed a flats on my feet, that always goes with the jeans.

By this time, it was 6:34.

I fixed my hair in the easiest style I could think of.

I got my bag ready and stuffed my things in it. Like extra makeup, my wallet, emergency pads and tampons.

I heard a car to the frount of my house. I ran out of my room and down the stairs. All my things on.

"Hi Gojo." I locked the door and then went into the car. "I'm excited. Like really excited." - "You look nice too Y/n. I hope your dad doesn't kill me for bringing you there." - "Why would he? Either way if he has too, he has to deal with me."

I was very common with Gojo's flirting's. So it doesn't faze me. And dad will have to deal with me if he tries something on Gojo.

We played music and sang along while driving for some time. In between we would strike up a conversation about something random and then go back to singing.

"We're here y/n"

I turned to see a old temple like school. It was actually really cool. Well, from the hill it looked small, but as we went onto the campus, I was shocked to say the least. 

"it's... it's so huge! How big is this place??"

I opened the door and looked up at the tallest building on the compound. I was actually feeling great being here.

Gojo assured me to see the classrooms. I followed him with out concern. 

I looked up at the trees and the pretty flowers that decorated their branches. 

"Hey look out!" - "Huh?"

I turned to where I was being told to move out of the way.

I saw a ball flying towards me with incredible speed. I didn't have time to dodge it, so I let it hit me, it made connection with my waist. 

I stood thinking that it would be a easy hit.


Boy was I wrong!

The power the ball hit me with sent me straight into a tree. I coughed up blood from the impact.

"Y/n!? Are you ok? You took that ball like a pro."

I smiled at Gojo because it honestly felt good. I have no idea why, but it felt good.

I looked out to where the direction that the ball came from, and saw a boy with pink hair running to me. 

His strong, yet cute face showed worry and disappointment mixed in one.

"Yuji-kun, watch how you throw your balls when your testing your energy."

The boy bowed infrount of me and apologized three times. I stood up just fine. Gojo lifted my shirt to see if the impact left me with any bruising.

And oddly, there wasn't any. 

"That's weird. there isn't any bruising... Let's go see your father. Yuji you come too."

We made way to the principal's office. My dad's work space for his stuffed toys.

"Yaga... we have a issue." - "Which is.?" - "Y/n"

I watched at how my father's head shot up from his work at the mention of my name.

"Y/n?! Why are you here?" - "Hi, dad." - " I think she has curse energy." - "How can you prove it?"

I was lost out of their conversation while I admired the different stuffed toys my father had created.

I picked up a pink bear with mismatched ears. 

"You are adorable." - "Thank you."

I screamed and dropped the bear to the floor. Everyone in the room looked over to me as I looked at the bear.

It got off it's back and stood on it's back legs. 

"Sorry if i scared you." - "DAD, this pink bear is talking to me!" - "It cant be...."

The bear looked confused to say the least. 

"Why are you calling grandpa, 'dad'?" - "Because.... he's my dad.." - "Does that mean I'm your daughter?" - "I- I guess.."

Dad and Gojo looked suppried at the stuffed animal while Yuji was looking at me.

"Gojo, take Y/n back home." - "Dad! I just got here!" - "Pack her clothes and bring her back. We'll have to train her... She had her mother's curse energy." - "Do you really mean I get to see this adorable face EVERY DAY???" - "Go."

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