Part 22

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chap 22.
Aryan had to cancel control his emotions. She was looking irresistible. He went upstairs and changed the clothes. Imlie entered the bedroom. His back was turned. She slowly appraoched him and gave a hug from behind.
"Am sorry Aru please forgive me. Its been 5 months you are strong am not i cannot take this anymore. Am sorry"she sobbed.
"Imlie leave me you are wet. I just changed clothes" trying to ignore her sobs but his heart was telling otherwise.
"No" she simply rejected
He forcibly took brushed her hand away and took the shirt off that got wet.
"Why are you being so stubborn? Aisa to maine kya kardia? Sab thik hai Aru. Leave it na give me any punishment. " He did not respond.
"Listen to me Aru" he turned around and sneered at her " Did you listen to me? "
"Why cant you let it go , give any other punishment please this is equal to death to me - you not talking to me , not touching you. Its killing me. I cannot see you lonely Aru. I see you in pain for me, longing to talk to me. You dont even make any friends you are bottling up. Take out your frustration on me. I wont mind but please " she cried begging him at this point.
He went to bed without a shirt . She was shocked at his behavior. " Fine you want to keep playing this game then i myself will punish myself" She ran downstairs to their garden and set on the bench. She won't go inside no matter how bad its raining. After she left, Aryan got up and saw her in the garden. He was livid at this point. He stormed down to Imlie, "you think this is going to make me happy, you are making it worse. Get up and lets go inside"he ordered.
"No tell me you forgive me"
"I said get up"
"I said no"
He picked her up like a sack on his shoulder his hand tightened on her calves. She punched his bare wet back. "Put me down, jungli" fisting his back. "Change your clothes otherwise you will get sick"
She shaked her head no and crossed her arms across the chest.
"Imlie!" He shouted her. He tried the unfold her arm but she didnt budge. "You know what let me change it for you anyways you are throwing tantrums like always." He went to her wardrobe and took tshirt and a shorts out. He shut the bedroom door. He slide her saree off tenderly , first time they were this close in five months. Imlie did'nt mind. She felt little shy but she was happy from inside that she could the Aru back even if it is for few minutes. Their chest was touching, his cheek brushed her he bent his head and unhooked her blouse. He looked at her and then closed his eyes. Her saree and blouse was off how adorable that he closed his eyes before her blouse fell off. He put the tshirt on her and imlie followed like a child. Now the hard part , shorts. His eyes still closed, he removed the peticot slowly their nose was touching, imlie was enjoying this moment. She was just staring at him throughout. He went on his knees tried to find her knees. Then straightened the short and hold it out as if to tell her to go ahead put her legs in which she did. Once she fully clothed , he opened her eyes and gave her a soft look.  He dried himself and change his sweats. He wore another one and still no tshirt. As he was going to bed without a word, Imlie ran to him and hugged him he try to free himself. "Aru please" she sobbed loudly this time. He gave in and finally hugged his wife back after five months. He hold her tightly .  He kept his silence. Imlie finally got a small moment she can keep with her for her to survive another month.  They slept without talking to each and facing each other.

Imlie didnt make effort for next couple days, she focused on her work. Nikhil tried to cheer her as well. One day , furious Aryan came out cabin and banged a a file on Imlie's desk. Staff around looked up in fear. "What is this Imlie? This articles are ridiculous half information hald research am getting calls  huh?! " "but.."
"But what? You and Nikhil have time to have discussions but can't even write a decent repot or article. You are a slacker Ms. Imlie I will not tolerate this. You want to frolic around then you can get of out here. Both you in my office NOW!" Imlie was embarrassed he shouted and degraded her infront of the whole staff. She and Nikhil went in the office , Her eyes remained downcast if she looked at him she would give him answer back and this wasnt the right place . He humiliated her infront of everyone. He has the right to be mad he could have did same in his cabin but no he did infront of the staff.
"Do you have anything to say."
"No " both Nikhil and Imlie in unison.
"Actually sir, its my fault. Please dont get mad at her. I been assisting her writing articles most articles she trusted me with and gave it to me. Sorry sir but please.."he showed his hand to stop "You both are suspended for week. You can   Leave"
Imlie went to her desk and picked up her things. "Sorry Imlie" Nikhil hugged her and cried. She patted his back. "Aisi chize hoti rehti hai am sorry too. Dont feel bad ok plus you can spend whole lot of time with your boyfriend" with that they both left for home. Imlie was done being nice , past five months everyday she would talk to him indirectly he ofcourse paid no heed. She did everything in her capacity, she would make jokes around him to see him smile atleast. She would cook all meals for him even though they had a cook. From today he will get nothing from her . Silence will get Silence in return.  She was conflicted. One side she did want to give silent treatment but other hand her inner voice always make blurts things out. She forgets everything i. Jiffy unlike her Akdu. 

When Aryan cam home that night , dinner was made by the cook, their room was mess and Imlie was nowhere in sight. He felt terrible for what he did today. He realized he overstepped his boundry. He came today on purpose to apologize to her. But she was nowhere in sight.
He called her cell , it went to voicemail. He was starting to panic. He looked at the clock its 11 pm. Its very unlikely of her unless no. He feels guilty all these month he was as tormented . It was more hard for him than her. She was right that day he was lonely. He is nothing without her. She brings the light in his life. Her liveliness he adoresz. He tried calling again but same result. He called Nikhil next "is Imlie with you"
"Any idea where she might be after i told you guys"
"No sir we went separately today . I am getting worried now. "
"Dont worry i am going to go look for her. "
"Sir can i please go along with you i cant stay home worrying about her"
"Fine hurry up" he didnt want to but two extra pair of eyes the better
"Baby where are you, i am so sorry. I am stubborn just like you. We both need to work on each other. Am sorry please please please kaha ho please pick the calls " he mumured.

Nikhil and him looked around the city or any possible place she could have went.  He banged his hand on steering.   "You she loves you a lot everytime we talked somehow anything she would relate to you. " he smiled.
"Hmm" Aryan nodded tired.
He tried again, no luck. He cannot even go to police since its not even24 hours.
He let out a frustrated sigh . " You guys had great bond i noticed" aryan said trying to distract with worrying thoughts in his mind. They were stuck in traffic at midnight how ridiculous is that! "Yes she is very endearing . She is very lucky and so are you Sir. She never judged me you know in the whole office. "He nervously laughed. "She was always there for me . I always pestered her with my emotional chaos. She would listen and be there. Heck that lady didnt judge me when i told her that i have crush on her husband" Nikhil said lost looking out of window feeling guilty if today they didnt get suspended this would not have happned.
Aryan scratched his head "Um what? You mean, thought you mean" he couldnt seem to form words. It came as shock to him. Awkwardness in the car, just like Imlie would have thought and laughed at the situation. Thank god the phone rang, it was Imlie. Aryan didnt even take a second to pick it up, "where the hell are you?! I Am  f****** worried ..are you ok?Where are you , i am coming right now to pick you up"
"Worried for me? Finally!!! This is what all i had to do? Just go away somewhere?! Ahahah" Imlie laughed on other side. "You are ridiculous. You think this is funny i and nikhil are sick worried. Just tell me where you are"
"Give phoen to Nikhil"
"What "
"You want to come and get me right? Then please do what i say"
He handed over the phone to Nikhil
"Are you ok Imlie" he listened to Imlie on other side. "Ok will do ok bye"
"Why would you cut the phone , i need to know where she is??!"
"I know where she is. She told me to direct you there without tell you where she is . So please take right after three signal from here. " he directed. Aryan had no choice he kept his anger on bay.

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