Part 19-Angel,Human,Wife,Mother

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Finally it was the last day of his break. Jongdae sighed as he packed his few clothes back into his suitcase. Honestly, he wasn't ready to get back to work. He afraid he might lose focus or always spacing out during broadcast. But then he think again, maybe that's the only way to distract him from thinking about...about everything that happened to him during the week.

He reflected to what had happened in the whole week. At first, he thought he could spend the whole week bonding with his mother. But really, in this world, not everthing happen as planned.

From the first day, things started to go wrong. He was kidnapped, suprisingly by an angel. When he learnt the real situation and he almost die, she confessed that it was for a reason, and that was because she loves him. Then he knew that he started to grow feelings towards her when he reluctant to leave whereas he knew he would die if he stay longer.

But most important event of all, about him being a half angel. If he didn't pass his mother's room 2 days ago, maybe he still doesn't know that fact. After returning from Baekhyun's mother's flower shop on the same day, he apologised to her for not listening at first and asked her to explain everything. So she did.

30 years ago, Kim Janghyuk was just an ordinary plain normal high schooler. He attended school without any problem and always been a hardworking students. Not only students and teachers but everyone in the school including the janitor, school gardener, security guard, all loved him for his attitude. He was always nice to everyone, never declined someone's favor (if it was a good thing), never skips school except when he got MC from the doctor, smile never leaves his lips. At home, his parents was always his first priority. White they said, white it is. Black they said, black it is. Never failed to help them with housechores and the word rebel can't be found in his life dictionary. Of course, nobody's perfect but his kindness beyond infinity. All in all, he was a boy with angel characters.

And thats what made him shone brilliantly amongst millions of people in the world. It might sounded lame but that's the fact. His kindness triumphly grabbed her attention or more than that. From the moment she learn about him, she knew he was different. People tend to change but she could see he wouldn't. Without her realising, from the small admirance of his infinite kindness turned into love. Knowing that her feeling was wrong, she decided to make it right. So, 4 years after it all started, she made a decision, to be a human.

Agreed to the consequence, which she can never return to be angel anymore and lose her immortality, she did it.

So after a month when she finally could fit in her human condition, she started to approach Kim Janghyuk which he accepted with open arms, much to her happiness. Their relationship went smooth that people around them called it boring but for them a relationship doesn't have to be like others. Each person have their own way and that's their way. So when she told him about her past after they got married,he just smiled it off. He said that he was the luckiest person in the world, to have an angel as a friend, as a wife, and as a someone to spend his life with.

And the reason she never told Jongdae about him being a half angel was she didn't want Jongdae feeling inferior about him being different from other kids. She was afraid that Jongdae might get bullied if they know because she knew Jongdae is too nice to even to talk back. Moreover to fight. Jongdae is like another version of her late husband. They are both nice, kind, hardworking, brilliant voice, dazzling visual and the most important ; their signature lips tail --->  :3 . Oh yeah. Both loved by angel.

Jongdae recalled what Yubi told her. That she was attracted to him by his voice. 'Your an angel' was what she said. He chortled. I am a half angel. Yubi wasn't the first person to say that to him. In fact, he got that a lot. Like. A lot. Maybe the angel blood that run in him made him inherits that trait.

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