Part 3-Meeting Him

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Cautiously she peeked from her door. She wanna make sure that Suho wasn't around there. At least far enough not to sense her disappearance later as that guardian angel of her is like having more senses than a mind could think. He will always know what was happening and duh he's a smartmouth. His words can manipulate others in a snap of finger. And so far, he was the most successful guardian angel in thousands of years. 

After making sure that Suho was not there, she closed her door carefully and took a deep breath before stepping away from the door. I must be crazy. She was nervous as hell but she didn't give a damn cuz what she will encounter later would worth it.

She closed her eyes and started walking. In a matter of seconds, she was out of the view.



Yubi opened her eyes and found herself on a tree.


She screamed at top of her lungs and abruptly cover her mouth with her tiny hands.

But then, a thought hit her mind. Feeling silly, she scratched her oh-so-itchy head.

"Hehe...humans can't hear me.. :3 " She mumbled with stupid grin.

She was about to fly away from the tree when her eyes caught something.

A group of high school girls were crowding two man. One of them was trying to calm the girls while one of them just smiling to them. And that caught her off guard.

Yubi's eyes widened upon seeing the smiling man. The person whom she admired. The person whom she always watching from the cloud. The person who finally she could meet after longing for him for almost two years.

"That's him!! That's Jongdae!! Finally I met him!!"

Her gaze softened as she saw how patient Jongdae was, treating his fans with the sweetest smile even they might crush him to the bones. No matter how tired he was after finishing his packed schedule at the end of the day. And she could see, his eyebags was getting worst than months back.

She snapped from her thought as finally Jongdae and his manager managed to slip into their car. And before she could think, she was following the black SUV.


Ignoring her not so familiar surrounding, she followed the car without hesitation. Didn't really thinking that her doing was nonsense, she kept following. She didn't even realized that they had arrived at Jongdae's appartment. 

When Jongdae locked the door, only just then Yubi realized the fact. That she was left with Jongdae. Alone. That made her blush. Even technically she was the one who's following.

She flustered of what to do. She flew around the apartment to find a way out but then she realized something.

He won't realize me anyway. She thought and then smiled like a fool.

Thoughtlessly, she trailed behind Jongdae, entering  his room. As soon as she stepped into the room, she froze at the door. Immediately she turned away. She cupped her even brighter crimson cheek.

"I-I just saw him c-change." She mumbled between whisper.

Just then she heard water running from the bathroom.

You must leave now!  Her mind commanded her. But..

"How are you doing my pinky duckie~~???"

Upon hearing that she instantly flew to the bathroom. Jongdae. Plastic duck. A pink one. It took her fer seconds before...


Yubi laughed until tears appeared at the corner of her eyes. She laughed all out since Jongdae won't listen anyway.


A/n:Yay!!!third chapter!!!I hope u guys love this part since I enjoy writing this part... :3




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